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  • NA SniffMyToes Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by SniffMyToes, Jul 30, 2017.

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    1. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      SniffMyToes Moderator Application

      Now, if you're reading this, just know... I'm not as active as others, I can be rude/mean at times, but I truly just want to help carry the load off the mods and help people. Please do not rate off of who I used to be, I've changed, and I just want to help the server that I love.

      Your in-game name:
      My ign is SniffMyToes, formerly known as CircularBanana, MrComboKid, and AllOutBoodge.


      What timezone are you in?
      Eastern Standard Time

      What country do you live in?

      What languages do you speak?
      English, soon going to try and learn Japanese

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      Yes! I use bandicam for recording and f2.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      I have used the format from my old moderator application because I worked a very long time on it. In saying this, if you think I was just too lazy to make a new one, this isn't true. I'm just using old work that I took a long time on and adding furthermore to it, and subtracting what may have changed since then.
      My reasonings
      The main reasons I am applying for mod are
      1) A lot of times, there aren't staff on, and some are kinda inactive.
      2) I want to help the community by cleaning the chat, and getting rid of hackers and rule breakers, and I'd like to answer questions and grow in the community.
      3) It helps me become more responsible.
      4) Mv can sometimes be toxic, and I would like to help with that.

      Hard Working
      I would like to think that I am a very hard worker. Whenever I may start a task, I am determined to get it done, but also do it at my best. This is a good quality for moderators because they go through so much on a day to day basis. I know about this because I have been moderator on previous servers that had a few chaotic players. I always do my personal best to catch hackers, cheaters, or generally bad people, and do reports
      (I realise I have been doing not as many reports, but this is because I usually go to online staff first, but I still have gotten a decent amount done in the past few days.)
      I do not try and rush my work, because I would rather have my work be in the best possible quality than be sloppy and rushed.

      Whenever I may be going through something, whether it may be a task or an obstacle, I am determined to get through it. Whenever I say that I will get a task done, I mean it, and I will work my hardest to get it done, and to do my best at whatever I may be doing. When I'm on GTA, (although people rarely are on there) I am determined to finish my task. In battle, I go back and back and back and keep trying to win no matter how much I die, and I usually win the battle in the end. I know you may be like, "what does this have to do with determination?", but it shows that I really am determined to do my best and finish what I start.

      I am good with my grammar and how I communicate with other players. I am a fast typer, (although others may be faster than I am, I am a decently fast typer), and this helps when trying to talk with others. This is a good quality because others may need help or may be asking a question, and you need to get out the answer quickly so that you can talk to others that may need help. May grammar is also decently good, so others are able to understand what I am saying. Because of these things, I feel like I would be good at answering questions and helping others.

      This quality is very much needed in moderators, because they are the leaders and examples of the server. Although sometimes I take control, I still like to am low and listen to others and what they have to say. I think of myself as a good leader, and my teachers have commented about this too. I keep people under control, I help people who need it, and I am able to calm chaos. Whenever there may be chaos, I will step up and take control of the scene and do what needs to be done.

      I may not act like it on all servers, but I am a pretty cheerful person. I'm a pretty emo person and want to kms. Just kidding, lol. Just making sure you were still reading. Cheerfulness is a highly needed quality in moderators, because no one wants to talk to someone who is depressed except counselors. Because I am cheerful, I try my best to cheer up people who may be sad or going through a rough time. I also just talk to people a lot, and sometimes having someone to talk to is the best thing you can have. Having this quality also draws people in to talk to you, and they will open up to you.

      I am a generally quick person, maybe not as quick as others, but I am quick. I can handle stress, pain, fear, etc. very well, and I can handle situations quickly. If I see chaos going on in a server, I am fast to react and help the situation. This quality is needed with moderators because they need to quickly take care of any situations. As I said before, I am a quick typer and I can quickly tempban, mute, or tpo to players if I see anything suspicious going on. When I have work to do, I can quickly do it, but also do it as best as I can.

      Okay, so I might not be as active as I others, but I spend all my available time on Mineverse. Between school, singing lessons, soccer, homework, etc. I dont' have much time to be on Minecraft. But, when I do have time I spend it on Mineverse. I try to be on as much as possible, and I try to play with the other players online. I try to be on at least 2 hours a day, whether in-game, on Minechat, or on forums, and this is sometimes all the free time I have. For the amount of time that I have available, I like to think of myself as decently active.

      I try and care about the other players, those who may be around me or those just sitting around on the server. I am decent at knowing when to just shut up, and when I need to talk to someone and help them out. Being caring helps attract players and keep them on the server, because no one wants to be around a jerk (if you do, lol okay.. be that person.) I know what people may be going through and what may be happening to them even if I may be young, but I truly care about others at the base of it, and I try to cheer those up who may be going through things or just may be down.

      I am usually supportive of the server, even when they do something I may not like. I tell my friends about Mineverse and how fun it is, and the cool things about it. Usually they call me a retard for still playing Minecraft, but at least I tried. I also try to support other players, not just the server. I realise, everyone isn't perfect, everyone makes mistakes, and I try to support players even though they may have done wrong. It's a lot better to just talk to a player and work through the problem instead of yelling at them at their first wrong doing.

      I think of myself as unbiased, I mean... I even got my brother tempbanned when he was hacking on GTA. On another server I was staff on, he was hacking and I did the regular protocol and tempbanned him. I don't let my friends or even my family get away with their wrong doing if I know that they are cheating or rule-breaking on purpose. I don't treat others I may know differently, and when it comes to the rules, everyone should be treated equally.

      I try to be honest to the best of my ability. I know that if you lie, you might've just ruined yourself. Lies lead to other lies which lead to other lies, and eventually you are stuck. I also try to be honest with moderators when talking to them. I don't lie to people if I say I will /enchant or /fix for them, I don't steal their stuff either. I try to say the truth, even under pressure from others. I have also never scammed anyone, which is good when I trade with people.

      Some of you might be asking why I even put this on the list, but this is actually pretty important to moderators. Being funny helps to cheer up players that may be down, or just to give a laugh or a smile to others. You never know when being funny could might even save a life. Maybe a person is depressed, and that ONE thing you said to them just brightened their day and prevented them from doing something horrible. Being funny may not be as important as the other things on this list, but it can help.

      I try to help others, and I try to do my best and do whatever I can for others. I try and do whatever I may do to make others' experience on Mineverse more enjoyable, and help them have a fun time. One thing I started doing a few months ago was doing /enchant or /fix for others for free. I go on /skyblock or /survival and ask in chat "Who wants me to /enchant for them? Just say it in chat." I usually get 5 or 6 people, and after I enchant for them, they are just so happy. I also /fix for others on /survival, /skyblock, and /kitpvp2 regularly. I love seeing the others be happy, and I do it for free, unlike many others. It may be a small thing I'm doing, but it sure does make some people happy, including me.

      Moderation Experience
      I've been moderator on many other servers, including one right now. This helps me to know what to do in certain situations, and I learned many commands. It just helps to have experience. This also helped me grow as a person, and helped me learn how to fit in better into the community. I also learned how to just be a better moderator, and how to fix my mistakes and learn from them. I've been playing minecraft for around 3 or 4 years now, and I have learned many of the general commands.
      /kick player reason
      /tempban player time reason Appeal at www.mineverse.com.
      /mute player time reason
      /warn player reason

      What I bring to the team (Primarily for staff who are reading)
      -I spend most/all my available time on Mineverse
      -I answer questions in-game and on forums
      -I already have been/am staff, so I know what I'm doing
      -I used to hack, so I know what hacks do, how they perform, what they look like
      -I help the moderators by pointing out hackers/rule breakers
      -I love the server, staff team, and community
      -I genuinely want to help

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Mon + Tues (In-game) 3 - 4 hours
      Wed (In-game) 2 - 3 hours
      Thurs (In-game) 3 -4 hours
      Fri + Sat (In-game) 4 - 5 hours
      Sun (In-game) 2 - 3 hours
      Forums - around 4-5 hours daily

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I've been playing MV for around 3 years.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      In-game - yes. Forums - just a few days ago, but I appealed and was unbanned right after.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I have been moderator on a few servers. I am currently Admin on a server with a staff team of around 10 people. I was first a moderator on a prison server when I was around 10, and since then I have been moderator on 3 other servers that I remember.

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff?

      Thanks to @YoItsSanity @Ordi
      @Scorvix @Chain @Gabby @Clones5 and @Pile for leading me and always being a friend.

      Thanks for reading! Please add the reason of your rating!
      Supports - 27 :D Neutrals - 4 :) No Supports - 11 :(
      (May not be completely accurate, but as close as I can do)
      Last edited: Sep 2, 2017
    2. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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    3. extender

      extender Experienced Member

      Jan 19, 2014
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    4. MCCD

      MCCD Active Member

      Jun 26, 2017
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      Support... Best of luck! :)
    5. Saturns

      Saturns best valorant player Premium

      Aug 5, 2014
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      Support! Ive never seen you in game before though, but other than that, good luck!
    6. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Thank you guys so much! Also, if you have any recommendations of how I should differently format this, please recommend. It looks kinda plain to me :)
    7. MCCD

      MCCD Active Member

      Jun 26, 2017
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      It's plain? Maybe add some colors, change the size of the text, and center it all? Other then that, I love it!
    8. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Sure thing!
    9. Rektz

      Rektz Active Member

      May 27, 2017
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      Support man. I see you a lot on kitpvp2, and op. If you become a mod then we know the job will be done in our pvp parts of the server. You may also inspire other players to become a mod. Best of luck -iRektzZ
      Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
    10. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Thank you very much for the support! Also, thanks for the kind words.
    11. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      No support for these following reasons.

      ✘ Lack of reports, reports are indeed important. It shows you have the dedication to be a moderator.
      ✘ I don't think I ever meet you online before. I mainly play the PvP game modes such as Op PvP, Kit PvP, I am not sure if you play any other game modes that I possibly don't play.

      Side note: If you are an admin on another server you will need to resign on there if you would like to have a chance at being a Mineverse mod.
    12. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      First of all, I do not need to resign on the other server to even have a chance. I can balance between both, or just play a lot less on the other server, seeing as the owner is one of my best friends on this server.

      Second of all, you obviously didn't actually read through my report, because I specifically said twice that I go to moderators instead of reporting first, and if they aren't on, that's when I report.

      Third, the reason you haven't met me is because I play GTA, survival, skyblock, and at times OpPvP and KitPvP2. We might have different timezones which possibly is another reason why haven't seen each other.
    13. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      Changing my mind to Neutral based on what you said in this post.
    14. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Thank you, and sorry for being rude in the way that I said it. I was a *cough* a little bit too direct.
    15. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      People don't like me as a person in general, no worries.
    16. CodBucket

      CodBucket Head Moderator Head Moderator Premium

      Mar 13, 2015
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      Support all the way!
    17. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      I told you in-game, but thank you for the support lsb!
      Also, thank you @kalaniMCJr for your support! It really does help.
    18. Hiraeth

      Hiraeth Experienced Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      Support, Good luck.
    19. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Thank you very much for the support! It really does put me in a good mood. <3
    20. Josh9131993

      Josh9131993 Active Member

      Jul 31, 2017
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      Can I say support purely because of your IGN?
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