Hello, I am quite good at parkour and I'm on level XII, yet the problems make it barely playable. First of all, while a person is at the fences and doing a sprinting rush, they fall by being teleported back. This issue mostly happens on level X. Second, the filter plugin (which appears to be PwnFilter) censors innocent words such as pass, night, sprinting, running, challenging etc.) The plugin should be either removed or replaced. Third, your cheat detection seems a bit odd, it yells out "You are a HACKER!" at innocent people. I'm one of those and had issues with this personally. [NEW ISSUE: While helping a player at level IX, I got teleported (again) by fences and told that I was a hacker. I'm not a hacker at all, it seems like the AntiCheat plugin is reporting false alarms.] Fourth, signs doesn't have a good cooldown period, levels V to VIII may have this problem the most. You should decrease the timer of cooldown to 6s. Fifth, add a prestige option for players to actually reset back to I, with a sign of being prestigious, like Infection. Sixth, prevent accidental demotions. Give access to a specific group at the end, preventing them from being demoted. This can't be done, so it's skipped. [NEW ISSUE] Seventh, turn nether fences to classic wooden fences if possible. Nether fences are harder to see, changing them allows players to see fences easily at nightfall. [Special thanks to @Eutroph ] Eighth, reduce player visibility cooldown. 30s is very long, it should be somewhat shorter, like 10s should be great. My suggestions may make it even better at gameplay and chatting, so I'm looking forward to see what's going to happen next.
Is there actually any point in having a cooldown timer for things like signs? The only reason I've been able to think of is reducing lag. The thing that really irritates me is the cooldown on hiding players.