My ign is _Horse_man, I was playing on skyblock and my pc seemed to be lagging alot so I rebooted. Now I cannot connect to any Mineverse server, .org, .com, or .net. Did Something happen with my account? Please help me figure this out. Thanks.
Is it just Mineverse, or other servers as well? If latter, try reinstalling minecraft, checking your connectivity, checking antivirus/firewall. If just Mineverse, check your client version, disable optifine (or other modifications).
I did both of those I even turned off my anti virus just in case it was interfering. I was playing fine just a little bit of lag so I relogged and it won't let me back in. I went to skywarsand back to skyblock just before I relogged if that makes any difference.
It is just Mineverse I can log into any other server I try. Also I don't use forge or mods, and I tried versions 1.8.9 and 1.12 latest version.
try logging in through the regular way of getting on isn't properly working for some reason, then you can type /hub or /skyblock to get back to what you were doing