How old are you? I am 15 and 1/2 Your in-game name: Murphey346. What timezone are you in? Mountain time. What country do you live in? USA. What languages do you speak? I mostly speak english and a little russian. :jim: Why do you think you should become a mod? Because I am a very experienced minecrafter with experience dealing with people as a mod on other servers and I would like to keep mineverse safe and fun How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be active about 7 hours. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I played mineverse before I got my account and I have been playing it around when it started. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes I was a moderator on a Creative Server and a Factions Server. Epilogue All together I am pretty good person. I'm kind, funny, and know right from wrong. I know I am probably not the best person to become a mod. But I am pretty good. I have only once been temp banned like 1 year ago from a different survival server. And that was for spam. I know this isn't exactly the best app and I am probably not the man for the job but ask yourself, what do you think?
Kid. A lot more detail. Add colors. Don't talk like a sassy 10 year old. Make it original, make it you own. No support Till those changes are fixed
This server hasn't been on for 2 years. I don't like liars. You need more information regarding why you should be a mod. No support.