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  • Kit PvP Make teaming with hackers bannable.

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Arabic Bear, Jun 27, 2017.

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    1. Arabic Bear

      Arabic Bear Well-Known Member

      Sep 25, 2015
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      As all the kitpvp players know, a lot of ranked players and/or unranked players keep teaming up with hackers and using them to get loot. The suggestion is pretty simple. Make teaming with hackers a bannable infraction. To ban the player, the recorder needs to show that he is receiving loot from a hacker or just showing how the hacker is running around without hitting or trying to kill them.

      (don't start a flame war about this, I know there will be a lot of comments about a player I won't name because he already knows who he is)

      ~ Bear
    2. Arabic Bear

      Arabic Bear Well-Known Member

      Sep 25, 2015
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      @Charisa Any reasons for your no support?
    3. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      Unless the 'teamer' is also hacking, or feeding the hacker false information that hacking is allowed on the server, I don't agree that they should be banned.
    4. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      The problem with this is that some people may not even know they're teaming with a hacker, and finding if the user is intentionally teaming with a hacker for their own gain is a difficult task unless directly stated by the user.

      The second thing to note is that this is a complex rule that has to meet very specific requirements in order to enforce the rule. This can lead to misunderstandings of the rule, complications compiling everything to justify the ban, and gives the team methods of avoiding getting caught as easily as you'd hope.

      Finally, this suggestion is only looking at the perspective of a user intentionally teaming with a hacker. While I already talked about how it's troubling if the user doesn't realize the teammate is a hacker upon asking them to team, I do want to say that by implementing this rule, hackers now have a way to trick unknowing users into getting them banned as well. Obviously this can be averted with an appeal from the unsuspecting user, but why let this happen in the first place, and potentially damage a user's perception of the server?

      TL;DR: Not only is this a complicated rule that's difficult to enforce while having methods for the team to avoid being caught easily, it gives hackers more power to hurt a user's fun, and more importantly, the servers fun.

      No Support
    5. gabby

      gabby Legendary Member

      May 3, 2014
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      I just don't like this as a rule in general. Everything Yin pointed out I agree with. Basically it's very hard to catch and would be a huge pain for mods when we already have to deal with hackers in-game, and a hacker could *not* kill a player for no reason and then that player would be banned for this.
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