Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for banning Bantz.
yes indeed
Banned for getting Banned
Banned for invalid ban.
Banned for letting this thread die
Banned for not being OG!
banned for using the word "og"
Banned for Pikachu gif
Banned for not liking the cute gif
banned for saying "bye" but not leaving
banned for following me twice
banned for not following me back : )
Banned for not knowing that I have a pm I talk in so I log on sometimes
Banned for not messaging me on skype
Banned for holding a gun in your pfp
Banned for resigning just a prank :P
I saw that coming Banned for having more messages than me!!1!11!1!1!1!
banned for playing meinkampf
Banned for having a username I can't pronounce
Banned for being the 6001st comment