Well. I was bored at 2 AM; the result is a poem that is pretty depressing. Written in 10 minutes. It's not free-verse, but doesn't follow any strict rules. It could be considered a bio, not a ballad. This world is a cruel joke, driven by society. The only thing I gain is horrible anxiety. As one thing improves, another worsens. Despite my supplication, I get no help from any persons. My will is growing thin, yet suicide is a sin. My gratuitous suppression has gone unnoticed to my depression. Round every corner seems defeat, my expectation is to retreat… While searching for if any reason, I’m looked at as if to commit treason. While contemplating Earth, I conclude it has little worth… I wish luck to those of new birth, thank you for listening to my two cents worth… Well. Thanks for reading. On a happy final note: Have a great day! @Jexica did I make you cry?
No you did not make me cry; thy suffering brings me happiness' (I'm kidding. No salt please.) Wow you've made me want to write a sonnet gosh. Nice one ;)
Umm. :D Sonnets are lame :P Also, here's some salt. ;) I try to rhyme everything. Next time you look at something, make a little rhyme about it.. Sounds boring, in 3 weeks you won't be able stop - and you won't have this problem anymore at all :P agreed