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  • NA TryAndFightMe's Moderater Application [Plagiarized]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by TryAndFightMe, May 10, 2017.

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    1. TryAndFightMe

      TryAndFightMe Active Member

      Feb 25, 2015
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      TryAndFightMe's Moderator Application
      Hello I'am TryAndFightMe and you will reading my moderator application! My current in-game name is TryAndFightMe, my previous in-game names were; YounqMetro_, Striqingz, TheElitePheonix R4GE_ELITE. My absolute favorite thing to do in my spare time is to help around and communicate/welcome players on to the

      When I started getting better at combat, I got very immature I started saying words
      I've shouldn't have and/or cussing at player(s) whom killed me. I apologize the most to the player(s) whom experienced my bad behavior and cussing.


      How old are you?
      I'am currently 16 years old now. I'll be 17 on june 18.

      Your in-game name?
      My in-game name is currently TryAndFightMe,
      Previous names:
      - R4GE_ELITE
      - TheElitePheonix

      What time zone are you in?
      PST. (Pacific Standard Time Zone).

      What country do live in?
      I live in the U.S.

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak English, I'm currently learning French and Spanish. Although I do learn these two languages, I cannot have a full conversation speaking in only French or Spanish.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?
      Yes I do. I have a recording software called 'Bandicam' this software also provides
      screenshots, But I have now gotten 'Gyazo' to capture evidence as well. I have a Youtube channel where I post my videos on hackers. My channel is 'TryAnd FightMe', other wise here's a link to it:


      Why do you think you should become a moderator?
      I think I should become moderator because, I dedicated a lot of my time to play on Mineverse, and it is my absolute favorite server that I've ever played. I'm a very friendly, welcoming, trustworthy person. I love doing reports day to day to help the community. I would be so happy to take the generous amount of time to serve the community rightfully. I will work more than my best to have this capability. I also used to moderate a small server, with 10-30 players back in the 2014.

      Do you have any experience with moderating?
      Yes I do, I used to moderate a small server back in 2014. Here is some knowledge I've brought back with me;
      /tempban [playername] [datebiff]
      /ban [playername] [reason]
      /kick [playername] [reason]
      /mute [playertime] [datebiff]
      /unban [playername]
      /tp [player] OR /tp [player] [player]
      /tphere [player]

      How long can you be active?
      Monday ~ 3:00 to 8:00
      Tuesday ~ 3:00 to 8:00
      Wednesday ~ 3:00 to 8:00
      Thursday ~ 3:00 to 8:00
      Friday ~ 3:00 to 10:00
      Saturday ~ 1:00 to 9:00
      Sunday ~ 1:00 to 6:00
      I cannot be online for special occasions or family "get together times." Or also I could be offline due to Baseball.
      Do you have 2fa enabled? Yes or no.

      Yes, I do have 2fa enabled.

      Do you have Skype or Teamspeak 3?
      I currently have Teamspeak 3 for offline communication. I also have the application "Kik" where I send chats to some of my friends. Unfortunately, I don't go on "Kik" often, but I'll be sure to go on "Kik" if a player needs to communicate with me about the server.
      For safety, I will not put my "Kik" account but I could PM you my account name if you have any concerns.

      Do you meet the requirements of being a moderator? Yes or No?
      Yes, I do meet the requirements of being a moderator;

      I have 2fa. (Two Factor Authentication.) This is to protect both my Minecraft account, and forum account.
      I've stayed on forums more than 2 years.
      I set up Teamspeak 3 for offline communication.
      If you do not know the requirements already this is where to find it:
      Have you ever been banned in the past on forums or in-game?
      Yes i have I have been banned for hacking in the past due to my revenge reasons or my anger but i have changed since then. I will not attempt to share old evidence again.



      Good Sport

      Instead of using inappropriate language or immature words; "eZ" "get rekt skrub"
      I simply go for an nice; "Good fight" "Good game" etc. I do this act to inspire players to follow after me because I don't really like when chat on pvp servers all comment "eZ" "Bad" and lots of profanity.

      I honestly love answering questions, questions are my passion! I do answer simple a lot questions; "How do you make a plot?" " How do you vote?" etc, but I'll be up for the job to answer more 'extreme' questions. The only way I do not reply is being away from my keyboard or the player has been ignored in the past, I do not ignore players no longer with /ignore, I don't ignore these people because maybe need answers to questions etc. What I also do that is helpful to the community is reporting player(s) that use unfair mods to other player(s) which will make it harder for an other player to kill the player using unfair mods. Also well-known as hacks, I do not "hacksuate", I simply record. I don't say; "Hacks!!" etc.

      Friendly and Welcoming
      I'm a very friendly person to the community, I love to welcome players if they've just joined Mineverse, or if an player who've been online often I welcome them even if I don't know them. Example:
      [Player]: hi
      TryAndFightMe: Hello [Player name]!: )
      I love to make new friends as well!:) I'm a very open person I do not stick with a small portion of friends, I make new ones and welcome my new friends to my older friends I've had for a longer time.

      If an player whom killed me, and ask me if I would like my stuff again I deny this offer, I reply with an "No, it's fine you killed me fairly, there's no necessary reason to give me back my items. But thank you for offering. : )" I reply this in /msg [Player] or /m [Player].

      As much as I love sharing things players told me, stories adventures etc. If players want me to keep this a secret, I do. I do not tell anyone nor give anyone hints. I do not speak about what player(s) have told me I keep personal information to myself from people whom told me, I don't blurt anything about something as simple as gender to anyone.

      I don't always say jokes all the time, being humorous is quite rare for me, I use jokes as a way to cheer people up. I will never joke about player(s) sexuality, religion etc. I only speak of jokes like; "Why did the chicken cross the road?" nothing extremely offending to be enough to be considered 'Cyber Bullying'.

      I'm a very caring person, when situations occur between 2 or more player(s) I don't pick a side, I ask a lot of questions to the players whom were in the fight, or saw the fight and verbally heard it. I care for each and every person in the fight. I also try to help a person who is feeling down, frustrated etc.

      I'm highly respectful to everyone, people who are angry at me for any reasons, I do not reply with an equally as rude comment I use their offense to report the player to hope they won't keep targeting me and using profanity against me.


      Thank you for reading, and thank you for all your feedback, all feedback is appreciated. :)

    2. Tigerz

      Tigerz Boss Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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      Plagiarizing a mod app? No support
    3. Milad

      Milad Active Member

      Jan 30, 2017
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      support i like how u welcome new players :)
    4. Deivid0ze

      Deivid0ze Well-Known Member

      Aug 9, 2016
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      Stop the double posting m8...

      No support , you're kinda new to the forums ( You're not, but you're not active enough, so it feels like you just joined) , and I feel like I saw that app somewhere else

      Seems legit
    5. 5pp_

      5pp_ Active Member

      Apr 25, 2017
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      No Support,

      Be more friendly to people, I just saw you pvp'ing against somebody and
      you sayed that he was bad and a noob and I could tell a lot of more I saw you doing
    6. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Thread locked for failure to adhere to forum rules and responsibilities.
      If you disagree with this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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