Holy crap... this map's a biiiiiiig one... (Made by jasmine476) [INFECTION] WELCOME TO MVHS (Mineverse High) Well school's almost out (for most of us), but that isn't keeping us from having some fun back in school! This map has you running for your life around a school that just got hit with a zombie plague. The fun part is... this map is a hide and seek based map, meaning this map revolves around hiding, rather than OP sniping spots (basically this map is zombie bias). This map includes many different sections, including a main section, 2 branches to go from (which are A 'Core classes' and B 'special classes'), the principal's office, and an upstairs area which has the cafeteria. All classrooms and rooms behind doors are areas you can walk into except for 2 rooms, meaning this map is a really big one. When making this map, I thought about the zombie bias maps that are out there. The one thing they had in common was not a lot of area to go to, meaning you can get swarmed easily. This map takes the term 'zombie bias' to a whole different setup. True, the map is zombie bias, but not impossible to survive on. While you can still be swarmed, It is harder to find someone on this map. All rooms in this map have a unique design style to them, no 2 rooms are exactly the same (although some may be similar). This map is a solo project, and I worked on it for a total of 14 hours (or around there). All areas will be covered in the video and screenshots. Spoiler: Screenshots CHANGELOG 1.0: Map built, taking suggestions.
The video should be out by 3:00 PM [EST] ...assuming everyone goes according to plan EDIT: I lied :/ video coming tomorrow (I hope)
It's supposed to be big, there's no ROFL spots. It's basically a hide and see how long you survive map. Thanks for supporting tho! appreciate it.
ye I know, never said you had to make it smaller ;) Just saying that because people may not be used to a map as large as that, but they'll adapt
Might as well change it up a bit, if i'm going to make a map, might as well expand beyond the limits of a mineverse plot and get creative a bit :P (If you couldn't tell, this was made in creative)