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  • Me 2nd rant - survival edition.

    Discussion in 'Rant Archive' started by zoestar6, Apr 24, 2017.

    1. zoestar6

      zoestar6 Experienced Member

      May 27, 2016
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      Hello, this is my second rant. Hope you read the first one, if you did you will know you’re in for quite a long ride. (But a fun one at that)

      Okay once again - to start this rant off, I mean no disrespect to Moderators, Owners, website creators, etc. First off - What is going on with survival? First time I went on the server it was overly op from a long period of time. Then as soon as they reset it, in an even shorter amount of time things became way op. I had made a base with a few of my friends, I came back 2 weeks later and they had gotten maxed armour, and weapons -_-. (At the time I only had prot 2 dia armour so they could have easily kicked me out.) However, they did not because they are good friends :3.

      Okay so I’m not going to mention any names of anything but I’m sure those of you who played survival often will probably know who I’m talking about. We’re going to call this person Vela for the purpose of this story so I can tell it without revealing their identity.

      Anyways, Vela is/was a HUGE cyberbully, she terrorized, blackmailed, manipulated, etc people almost every day. At first I think everyone was just not very concerned so no one could really care too much about gathering enough evidence to get her perm. Banned. This person - Vela, got very annoying very fast. It was legit like you said one thing, and her every response was like some rude middle schooler response. Like literally is there anyone even slightly mature enough to not respond to the question “what did you do yesterday?” by saying your mom?!?

      I think for a period of time people were just scared/terrified of her, and everyone just gave up hope trying to get her banned. This person - (I’m not sure how) - Found out my email -.-, and started emailing me threats about if I didn’t delete the files I had of her in chat she would hack into my base. I’m not quite sure how she found out that I was screenshot - by this point it seemed like I was the only one that really cared anymore. My friends were really busy during these times and I did not have many people to back me up. Bandicam soon became my best friend xD. I had heard there was this hacked book thingy that could get past claims, like a fool I ignored such claims, and guess what happened to my claimed base? It got raided ^=^.

      Like bruh, really???

      (I understand this rant isn't quite as entertaining as the last one - I don’t have as much inspiration….. or enough junk food :3…. or caffeine.) Hope you enjoyed reading this rant :P. I sure enjoyed writing it.
    2. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      To be honest this is one of the few rants that I can pretty much understand and relate to, and won't particularly feel annoyed by the creator of the thread. :P

      I am pretty much a Survival player who stuck with the gamemode for my entire Mineverse experience since early 2014. I'm not claiming I'm the oldest, but pretty old to get what you're talking about. The first Survival I joined was pretty ok, in that sense that the economy wasn't totally ruined, but for some reason a month later things got crazy. I still enjoyed Survival, as I thought that the problem would get fixed and I wouldn't mind a reset. The next reset was almost pointless, as although it gave a good fresh start to people, and it would welcome new players to join on an almost even level, the economy "crashed" once again pretty quickly. Back then, Titan ranked people would get rich just by enchanting gear and repairing gear, same with God ranked people, just only with the repair command. Normal players like me, well (I don't blame anyone for using their perks, that's absolutely allowed), we just got up there by getting blaze spawners to grind, mining, and expanding our social circle.

      About this social circle, let me state straight off the bat that not everyone tried to get more "friends" because they wanted to get those "cool perks that Titans had". Quite a handful just wanted to interact with more people to find out who they wanted to build a town with, get some roleplaying scenarios out, and that was what I did with two of my great friends, Fishlips22521 and Ichidna. At this point in time, everyone was stacked, stacks of diamonds could be drop partied at spawn, and no one would appear. As a matter of fact, I sold a few dragon eggs (that I had bought from an acquaintance) to some people whom were pretty much clueless of dragon egg duping going on. It was a pretty "insert word here" move on my part.

      At the next reset (current one), no one really wanted to move on, just because of the fact that that previous Survival was broken almost beyond repair, and everyone had gotten used to that kind of "rich life" that no one really saw a great need to resetting the server, except for about 1/4 of the server's population back then.

      Now, it desperately needs a reset. And not just one that will reset and remove duping bugs. It needs quite a bit of revamp to attract players.
    3. zoestar6

      zoestar6 Experienced Member

      May 27, 2016
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      You're friends with fishy :3
      Besides MrScoobs he was an actually one of the really popular people who was actually nice. (And funny)
    4. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      I'm offended.

      1. Titans are extremely overpowered. A 250 dollar rank does not justify the fact that one person (with that 250 dollar rank) can make the entire game-mode overpowered by providing everyone with maximum enchanted armor. Fully agreed on that one.

      2. She is an insignificant person. If everyone ignored her behavior from the start; showed no real emotion towards the actions she did then it would all be well. Unfortunately people encouraged her odd form of entertainment and prolonged her behavior. There are pricks on the internet. And there are pricks on online multiplayer games. Unfortunately we have to deal with those people. There is a (somewhat) famous meme stating ''Don't feed the trolls''. But when people are (again, unintentionally) encouraging her to continue it doesn't help preventing the problem (the problem being her). What you eventually get is a bad reputation on her end without any real consequences. When I was a moderator I gathered evidence for over a month on one player who didn't technically break any major rules but was obviously annoying towards players and ''cyberbulying'' them on Survival. I consulted with other moderators and got their vouch for banning this person. Unfortunately this did not happen with that particular person and will not happen to the next. Because it's not established in the rules properly what someone can or can not do in those situations when it is obviously an issue.

      1. The old Survival was fantastic at first. Unfortunately exploitations lead to it being completely and utterly ruined. Even owning a sharpness 5 sword meant you were danger on the battlefield. Or in this case the End world. It was fantastic until duplication came out. Even if you didn't want to be a part of it you still somehow managed to obtain stacks upon stacks of diamond blocks. God I miss those times.

      2. Just to clarify to both of you I'm not denouncing what you're typing. In fact I agree 100%. Just continuing the discussion.
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    5. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      Nice rant! I never played survival so I don't know who you were talking about.
      • Like Like x 1
    6. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Yeah, I joined and played quite a while on the old Survival (not the previous reset, to those people who don't know), and I stayed because I found it quite fun.
    7. zoestar6

      zoestar6 Experienced Member

      May 27, 2016
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      I wasn't forgetting you, just mentioning newer players. There will always be a nice royal spot for you in my mind. In that church with the friends speaking of the reset.
    8. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      nice looool this was fun to read
    9. bare

      bare Well-Known Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      Dropevela or Valentina?
      lol I wish I could relate but he ended up being a complete d**chebag to me so
    10. zoestar6

      zoestar6 Experienced Member

      May 27, 2016
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      It's nawt drop. Drop is good :3. I'm going to give a saracstic bad-lying voice for Valentina
    11. Tsunderes

      Tsunderes Experienced Member

      Apr 10, 2014
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      Is griefing still a thing on survival? If the way I know still works, I'm going to laugh.

      Hello I am the owner of a 110x110 hole to bedrock that I wasted my life on in survival. It took a while and a lot of stacks of TNT as well as mining obsidian. I hate my life.
    12. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Are we talking about the same church before the reset? I know I had come across a church and claimed it, then quite a number of people went there... And I may/may not have sold it at the end...
    13. zoestar6

      zoestar6 Experienced Member

      May 27, 2016
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      It was the one in the nether-top it was pretty small, made out of wood, and unclaimed with chairs in a backroom.
    14. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      I don't think I was invited :P

      The one I had was in the overworld, once I claimed it, for some reason no one owned up to be the owner of it (I believe), and we kind of got some roleplay in it, as well as some admiring of the actual building itself.
    15. Insolar

      Insolar Well-Known Member

      Mar 18, 2015
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      we should have an ethnic cleansing of titans

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