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  • AFR ⌘ Delta's Re-Application ⌘

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by yehs, Apr 5, 2017.

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    1. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      ⌘ Introduction ⌘

      Hello, before I start I want to quickly mention my resignation. I'll quickly be answering the following questions, why I resigned and why am I re-applying so soon. The first question is I resigned because I was getting really put down by what was happening with my in real life and I was working constantly to fix it, in result I was in-active and I couldn't get on Mineverse. I also had some school related issues and my time was being consumed by that. Fortunately I have managed to fix everything and get my life back on track. The reason that I'm re-applying so soon is that ever since I got everything back on track and I started playing actively on my alt is that I forgot how much I love the server and how much rule breakers you can find, and that expired me to take one more crack at staff.


      ⌘ Your in-game name: ⌘

      My current in-game name is _DeltaWolf_, although you can find my previous names here.

      I'd like to point out that I am currently using the account RetqliatixnYT since my main account is still banned for removal of moderator perms.

      ⌘ What timezone are you in? ⌘

      I am in the UTC 08:00+ Perth time-zone.

      ⌘ What country do you live in? ⌘

      I live in Australia.

      ⌘ What languages do you speak? ⌘

      I am fluent in English and Portuguese but I am learning and now the basics of Mandarin and Spanish.

      ⌘ Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) ⌘

      I have the necessary means of capturing evidence.

      I record with the QuickTime Player on the mac and I use iMovie to edit and upload my videos to youtube which I can then post them on the forums.

      I use the Minecraft screenshot feature and the built-in mac screenshot feature to capture images. I then upload them to imgur.

      ⌘ Why do you think
      you should become a mod? ⌘
      I think I should become mod for several reasons but I will state a few. First I am and ex-moderator here on Mineverse so I am experienced with moderating and I know what is required of a moderator. Another reason is that I understand that new players join the server and that they may be new to Minecraft as a whole. I have been playing Minecraft for the vast majority of the last few years of my life and I think that I personally know the game pretty well so I can help new people to be able to play the game. I also have been on many different forums so I understand how the forums work and I can help people so that they too can play the server and have fun on it as I have.

      I have stated this before and I will state it again, I am pretty well known with Minecraft, Moderation and the Forums so all in all I'm decently experienced. With three months of moderation I won't say I am the most experienced of players but I am aware of most of the things that new mods wouldn't.

      In the last few days before my resignation I just couldn't get on much and the hate was really piling on me so I thought that I had enough and I thought I was no longer a good moderator. I know that won't happen again and that I won't make this type of mistake. I am again and I will continue to be a dedicated member of the Mineverse community and I am certain that this time my dedication will continue.

      I like to think of myself as a pretty unbiased person. For example in an argument I will not be biased and I won't back someone up just because they are my friend. Also I understand that sometimes your friends might break rules and I won't be biased and if I must stand up to them I will.


      After being banned from the forums for a month for not being cautious I see cautiousness as a huge thing and I strive to be cautious. I have faced many consequences in my life because of me being not being cautious so I have become quite a cautious person.

      ~Fast Typer~
      I'm not that guy who is incredible at typing and can type with super speed but I am a decently fast typer. This has helped me while on the forums and in-game. As a mod I am aware that you get masses of /msg's and the liking and I can respond to them well because of my fast typing.

      Around the time of my resignation I was pretty in-active and as I stated that was one of the reasons that I was in-active, however I am now pretty active on Mineverse again and as I stated I am mostly on RetqliatixnYT instead of my main so not everyone 'notices' me as much as they would if I was on my main.


      I'm always trying to be as helpful as possible to everyone who needs help. Whenever someone asks a question, if I know the answer I will answer it to the best of my ability. Being reasonably knowledgable about Mineverse and MInecraft in general I can normally help people but if I can't I'll not just ignore them but answer some like "I'm sorry I don't know".

      ⌘ How long can you be active on the server everyday? ⌘
      Monday - 1 hrs
      Tuesday 1-2 hrs
      Wednesday - 1-2 hrs
      Thursday - 2-4 hrs
      Friday - 2-4 hrs
      Saturday - 6-8 hrs
      Sunday 6-8 hrs

      Monday - 2-4 hrs
      Tuesday - 2-4 hrs
      Wednesday - 2-4 hrs
      Thursday - 3-5 hrs
      Friday - 3-5 hrs
      Saturday 4-10 hrs
      Sunday 4-10 hrs

      When I am on holidays I can get on the forums and I can go on Minechat as long as there is internet, if not I'll just be on the forums. Also, I am human and I do have other things going on it my life so if I sometimes don't reach these times it's often just because I have something else on.

      ⌘ How long have you been playing Mineverse? ⌘

      I've been playing Mineverse for more than two years although I joined the forums a bit over one years ago but in the time that I've been here I've grew to love this server and I would have done many things to have been able to join this community sooner than I did.

      ⌘ Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) ⌘

      I've been banned on the forums for death threats. I was not intending to hurt anyone and I simply wasn't being cautious of what I was doing. I regret that and now I am always careful with my words.

      ⌘ Do you have any past experience as a moderator? ⌘
      I was a moderator on a server that shut down a while back and it was a Skyblock and Skywars server so I have decent expirience with both of those game-modes on Mineverse.
      I am also admin on a smaller server that is Survival and is currently adding a Prison server so I have decent expirience with both of these game-types that Mineverse also have.

      I also resigned from Moderator here on Mineverse one month ago. I was staff here for 3 months and in that time I learned about moderating the server well and that I think will defiantly help me if I am to be staff once more.


      ⌘ Do you meet the requirements? ⌘

      Do you have 50 Post Count? ✔
      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? ✔
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? ✔
      Do you have Skype and Teamspeak for offline communication? ✔

      ⌘ Conclusion ⌘
      I understand that some people may give me a no support since I resigned and I am now re-applying so soon. I deeply regret resigning and I would really like the second chance. I am 100% sure that if I were to be given a second chance it would not go the same way.
      Last edited: Apr 24, 2017
    2. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Hey Delta, welcome back :)

      Going to drop a neutral.
      + You were a great Moderator back then
      + Incredible personality
      + Always willing to take feedback and learn
      = Under Conclusion: 100% sure ... would not go the same way
      -> I think you've got to understand that Moderators can't moderate forever, there's a time when Moderators need to move on from their duties, and that happens. I think rephrase it to something like "would not go the same way so soon"
      = Off topic, but why's your main banned still? Cyp removed my perms pretty quick...? Strange. Still, good luck :P
      - I have the same timezone as you and I haven't seen you online for the past months
      - Your dedication dipped to "a very low" low for the last 1 week - 1.5 weeks of your moderation

      Still, Delta, if you get promoted, I will have no qualms about that. Hopefully we'd arrive in the same re-promotion group again :P

      You have great determination, continue doing what you're doing :)
    3. benji

      benji Well-Known Member

      Jul 6, 2016
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      neutral. i loved you as mod and would like to see you again as it.
    4. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Thanks so much for your input Andrew!
      I will try to improve in the areas which you suggested.

      Thanks Benji
      Last edited: Apr 5, 2017
    5. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
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      Oh hey, Delta is re-applyi-- *pause*
      What the hell is your new name? This is coming from someone with an "x" in their name, but, I'm pretty sure the "random letters with x's to make a word sound cool" trend is dead. If it wasn't, you just killed it.

      Anyways, I am not surprised to see a re-application. It was fairly predictable. One thing I do ask, would you upon being re promoted just end up like last time? It seems like a re occurring process with you. You lose interest easily and go inactive then come back briefly and repeat.
    6. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Thanks for your input Clxrity but the only time I lost interest was the time around my resignation which was because of what was happening in my life and I am definite it won't end up as it did last time. I was foolish to resign and it was a mistake that I regret.
    7. dera

      dera Well-Known Member

      Aug 27, 2014
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      Definite no support. Lol.
    8. Maxine

      Maxine Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2016
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      Neutral. I know you're a great player and you have a lot of moderation skills because of your experience. However, I feel like you just got active again and dropped into reapplying too quickly. I may be wrong, but that's my opinion. Good luck <3
    9. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Thanks for your input Mvxine. :)

      Anyways that I can improve?
    10. Surge

      Surge Boss Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      Can't support we are close friends but Its been too soon, I hope to see you In the team soon though just would of liked to see this thread be posted later.
    11. WIildeBob

      WIildeBob Active Member

      Nov 1, 2016
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      I have nothing to say :P except for the fact that we NEED aussie mods
    12. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      You're re-applying too soon. You only resigned last month because of school. Isn't school still going on for you? How do we know you won't end resigning because of school again? You can't keep applying and resigning. That's not why this system was made.
    13. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      You just resigned last month, and it seems a bit soon to re apply. Also, work on activity, I rarely see you in game. But, you defiantly have the experience and Mineverse needs more Aussie mods.
      Good luck!
    14. Linux

      Linux Boss Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      No support.
      • Way too soon. You should wait a bit longer.
      • You just started making reports again the other day.
      • It's obvious that during your last term as a moderator you lost interest quickly.
      • You need to work on your maturity a tiny bit.
      Good luck.
    15. gabby

      gabby Legendary Member

      May 3, 2014
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      Support bb
    16. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      Neutral. ^
    17. breakfastboy

      breakfastboy Well-Known Member

      Apr 14, 2016
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      Neutral:) Just work on activity, gl Delta :)

      remember me
    18. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
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      this guy has a name that has a Q in place of an A, and an X replacing a vowel. idek y ppl think this is cool anymore.

    19. Pink

      Pink Well-Known Member

      May 7, 2014
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      Neutral, you were a GOOD moderator, but I just think its a little too fast for re applying. Just be a little more active and do some more reports, and I will give you my full support :)
      Good luck ;)
    20. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Great moderator on my server, great moderator on this server..

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