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  • Guide to Discord

    Discussion in 'Guides & "How To"' started by Krissy, Mar 17, 2017.

    1. Krissy

      Krissy Boss Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      Guide to Discord
      Discord is a free voice chatting service for your desktop or mobile/tablet. It is designed as a hybrid of Skype and Teamspeak and is an ever improving application for gamers. This guide will help you make the most of your discord experience and teach you what Discord has to offer

      - Important Links
      - First Login
      - Rules
      - Discord Interface
      - Using Text Channels
      - Using Voice Channels
      - Direct Messages and Friends
      - Private Calls and Group Chats
      - Personalize your Account
      - Bots
      - Ranks

      Important Links
      For the official discord website, click HERE
      To download Discord, click HERE
      For help and support, click HERE
      For the Invite for the Mineverse server click HERE or refer to this THREAD

      First Login

      When you first click the invite link you will see the above screen. For quick access to the server, select yourself a name, then continue. You will then be guided through the process of making an account.
      However I suggest creating an account before logging into the server.

      If you have an account: click HERE or click Login.
      If you do not have an account: Register by clicking HERE or by simply clicking "Login" (white text which asks you if you have an account, login) as if you have an account, then click Register.

      Upon joining you should be already connected to the text chat. However all users need to read the rules so firstly click the #alerts-rules under text channels on the left. The rules are as followed:
      ♠ Do not disrespect/harrass members, or any staff in this discord
      ♠ No threats, this includes but is not limited to death threats, DDoS threats, general threats, etc
      ♠ No inappropriate links, photos, etc. This includes but is not limited to pornography, screamer links, IP grabbers, etc
      ♠ Do not mic spam or spam the text chats
      ♠ No trolling
      ♠ Advertising of other MC servers or discord servers is not allowed
      Credit: Exstatisfy

      Discord Interface
      When you first join upon logging in you will be directed to a screen similar to below. This is your interface to interact with discord. This section will detail what important features you can use while connected to the Discord server.

      Friends and Direct Messages: View, add and direct message friends, as well as respond to friend requests here.

      Server List: Shows all the different discord servers you are connected to. Clicking the below icon ensures you are connected to our Discord.

      Online Status and Discord tag: Here you are able to select your online status (Online, Idle, Do not Disturb and Invisible) and see your Discord tag so users may add you as a friend who does not use the Mineverse discord.

      Mute Mic, Mute Sounds and User Settings:
      Microphone Icon: Toggle this option to mute and unmute your microphone when in a voice channel.
      Headphones Icon: Toggle this option to mute and unmute your speakers when in a voice channel.
      Gear Icon: Use this to access your User settings, such as to link accounts, adjust microphone options or change avatars and more.

      Notifications, Pinned Messages, User List and Search Function (Text Chats)
      Bell Icon: Toggling this option allows you to choose if you are notified when a person posts a new message for the text channel you are in.
      Pin Icon: Clicking this allows you to see text posts that have been pinned to the text channel you are in.
      Person Icon: Click this to hide and un-hide the user list on the right of the screen.
      Search: Use this to search text chats for messages using keywords and usernames.

      Recent Mentions and Help
      "@" Icon: Click on this to see who has mentioned you in text chats.
      Question Mark Icon: Brings up the help interface. Searches the discord help database.

      Text Channels
      : On discord there are channels specifically for people to chat without voice. All text channels begin with a hashtag (#).

      Voice Channels: Discord allows users to chat in voice. All channels below this heading will allow you to talk with a mic/headset.

      Using Text Chats

      To join a text chat simply click on the channel you want to type a message into from the list of channels under the heading "Text Channels."
      ♠ To send a message, press this button [​IMG] or press the enter key on your keyboard
      If you would like to mention a user in a text chat, type @Username. The line of text you mentioned them in will be highlighted in their chat.
      If you would like to link a text channel in the chat simply type #textchannelname. Eg, #general.
      To post an emoji in your chat, click the smiley face in your chat box.
      ♠ If you are receiving too many notifications from the text chats, click the bell icon

      Using Voice Channels
      ♠ To join a voice channel, click on the name of the channel you wish to join and you will notice a new tab above your user settings which looks like this:
      - Press the "I" icon to see information about your connection to the voice server, including where the server is hosted, and your ping. Green means a strong connection, orange and red are weaker connections.
      - Press the Phone with the "x" icon to disconnect from the voice channels.
      ♠ If you are having issues with your microphone, click the gear icon to bring up your user settings, then click on the "Voice" tab on the left of the box that appears. You will be able to change settings there to ensure things are working smoothly.
      Channels you cannot access will have a lock symbol next to it
      If for some reason your mic does not work even if transmitting audio, disconnect, then reconnect to voice.

      Using Direct Messaging and Friend features

      Direct Messaging

      ♠ There are several ways to message someone:
      - From the user list sidebar, click on the person you wish to contact and type the message in the box
      - Right click on the user on the side bar in the voice channel and click "Message"
      - Click the Friends and Direct messages icon and search for someone to start a conversation with in the search bar.
      - Click the Friends and Direct messages icon, on the left side click friends then click "All". Right click on the friend you wish to message then click "Message" or left click on the friend you wish to message.

      Friend Features
      ♠ Discord allows players to add their friends, find friends and connect with friends who use Discord with other accounts.
      ♠ To add a friend, simply right click their name and click "add friend". You can also use a persons tag to add them. Click on the friends and direct messages icon and click Friends.
      Then type in their discord tag under the "Add friends" tab.
      ♠ If you don't want people to add you as friends, click on the gear icon and find the "friends" tab. Un-check the box that says "Everyone" and chose your preference.
      ♠ To remove friends click the on the friends and direct messages icon, select friends, then click on "All" tab. Hover over the person and to the right you will see the option to call or remove friend.

      Private Calls and Group Chats
      Much like Skype, Discord also allows users to have private calls and group calls between friends.

      Calling a Friend

      ♠ To start a call with a friend click on the friends and direct messages icon and click Friends, then click the "All" tab. Hover over the person you want to call and to the right you will see the option to call or remove friend.

      Making a Group Chat

      ♠ There are two simple ways to create a group chat.
      - At the top of the screen you should see this symbol after clicking friends: [​IMG]
      Click it and select up to 9 people to add to your group.


      - Click on a conversation you already have with a person you want in the group and press this button [​IMG]
      to add more members.
      ♠ To call the group or friend, press the phone icon in your direct message chat.
      ♠ You can select the location of the server for your voice chat which best suits the location of the people in the group by clicking this clicking this drop down menu on your chat screen: [​IMG]

      Personalize your Account
      To make the most of Discord you should personalize your account. There are a few ways to do this.

      Link Steam, Battle.net and other accounts
      ♠ To do this make sure you are logged into the accounts you want to link. Go to the gear icon and select the "Connections" Tab.
      ♠ Your PC should automatically detect your accounts you use. Click the box of the account you wish to link. Then you can select what accounts you want to display on your profile card.

      Add an avatar
      ♠ Click on the gear icon and the first page that will pop up will have the option to set an avatar. If it doesn't, find this option under the "Account" tab.

      Show people what game/app you are playing/using
      ♠ Click on the gear icon and navigate to the "Games" tab
      ♠ Check the box that asks to display the game you are running as a status.
      ♠ If Discord does not detect your game that you are running click the "Add it!" text to add your game. Select your game from the drop down box. Make sure you have the app or game open.

      ♠ You can rename the games you add simply by hovering your mouse over the name of the game and clicking into it.

      When you log into the discord you will notice there are "Bots" connected. These bots have specific functions. Such as playing music, filtering the chat, spam protection and players can interact with them in certain ways. These Bots are safe, so there is no need to worry.

      Discord features ranks that you can earn by being active, social and involved in all aspects of the server. You will gain xp by participating in chats to earn a level. Getting specific levels earn you a rank. The ranks and levels required are:
      ♠ Member - 5 Levels
      ♠ Loyal Member - 15 Levels
      ♠ Discord Enthusiast - 25 Levels
      ♠ Social Elitist - 40 Levels


      Achieving a rank also unlocks a special voice channel that you can enter:

      ♠ To check your levels, simply join the #derp_chat text channel and type !rank
      ♠ If you wish to check another persons levels, type !rank <name>
      ♠ If the chat is too spammy for you, click the bell icon to turn notifications off.
      ♠ To see the leaderboards, click HERE
      Credits to @Pile for setting up the ranks and providing this information :)

      A huge thank-you to all who have helped set up the Discord and to those who will continue to help the server run smoothly :)

      • Like Like x 3
    2. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Thanks Krissy for this.
    3. KKeith

      KKeith Experienced Member

      Sep 21, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thanks for writing out the tutorial discord already has built into it.
    4. Mai

      Mai Well-Known Member

      Sep 26, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thanks for this, xo.
    5. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thank you <3
    6. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      ayy ty

      already know most of this because as u may already know I'm a discord enthusiast xP (not as a rank, just in general)
      this will be incredibly helpful for the newbs tho, that's for sure. Maybe we could make a betterDiscord guide if you know what that is :P
      Last edited: Mar 18, 2017

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