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  • Gaming PC

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Titan liamarchie, Mar 5, 2017.

    1. Titan liamarchie

      Titan liamarchie Active Member

      Feb 1, 2017
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      Hey Kids/Adults:smiley::grimacing:/Aliens :)

      I just wanted to tell y'all that my birthday is on the 14 of March and with me turning 14 I wanted to ask you what amount of RAM I should get on my PC,

      The Problem:

      I don't understand anything and I thought that if i posted in the forums you people would be able to give me information that I can take away.

      Because my parents or me don't really understand much about computers I decided to look online and I have seen a computer with 16 GB of RAM for £1,499 and my dad is aiming on buying that one although there are many questions I need you guys to answer for me so I know that you honest people can tell me. :):laughing:

      Can you please write down in the comments the answers for the following questions in the spoiler ;)

      How much does the average gaming computer cost?
      How much RAM is best to play Minecraft on and other games?
      Should I (my dad and mum) be paying around £1,499 for a setup like that?
      Should I buy a personal keyboard to go with it?
      Should I buy a personal mouse to go with it?
      Should I wait to see if I feel comfortable with the setup itself before paying tons to supposingly have a better time when playing?
      Should I just keep this 4 GB of RAM Touchscreen HP Laptop that lags a lot?

      Thank you for reading this and taking part and consideration :) I would really like to know all the tips and tricks into gaming and can you please answer some of the questions that I have typed in the spoiler section,

      Once again,
      Thank you :grimacing::smile::tearsofjoy:
    2. Linux

      Linux Boss Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      What are the other parts? RAM isn't the only thing that Minecraft needs to use to work. Don't worry too much about RAM if it's just for playing Minecraft. For Minecraft it only requires 1gb, and pretty much all of the newer computers have more than that. If you wanna play some more high-end games like GTA V, you'll need at least 8gb.
    3. Titan liamarchie

      Titan liamarchie Active Member

      Feb 1, 2017
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      Yes I Understand :) That's why I asked for help because I don't understand anything about computers :/

      I also aim on buying GTA V future on for PC :)
      Thanks for your consideration :)
    4. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      Answer 1.
      The cost of a computer is completely independed of your personal preference and purpose of that computer You mentioned the purpose is gaming. Then the question follows what sort of games? A computer purely for Minecraft for example doesn't require hardware with the same value a computer with hardware dedicated to a game like battlefield 1.

      Answer 2.
      Minecraft is a CPU intensive game (*intensive compared to other hardware which Minecraft uses). Minecraft will run smoothly with 4GB of RAM. You mentioned that you plan to upgrade to GTA V in the future. For GTA V I generally recommend 8GB of RAM for a smooth an efficient gaming experience. I also base that off personal experience and testing.

      To conclude answer 2: 8GB if you plan to purchase a prebuilt. If you plan to have it built by someone (something I do not see you doing at the moment) then you could start off with 4GB of RAM and easily upgrade to 8GB in the future when you purchase GTA V. 4GB of RAM costs around 20-30 pounds, and 8GB around 60+ pounds.

      Answer 3.
      Depends on what is included in the setup. A monitor? Speakers? Keyboard? Mouse? What specific components does the computer hold? 1500 pounds is a lot of money. If you want a professional evaluation on whether your parents should spend 1500 pounds on a setup, shoot me a private message. * More on that later.

      Answer 4/5.
      A ''personal'' keyboard and mouse? Do you mean that you choose it yourself? Then, yes. You should always do research into what your fingers will be touching for a long period of time (no dirty joke intended). What kind of mouse shape or keyboard switch are you most comfortable with? Does DPI matter to you? Are you a fan of LED's? A quick heads-up, do not expect to instantly be comfortable with your keyboard and mouse choice. It takes a day or two to get used to it.

      Answer 6.
      Yes. It's a large amount of money.

      Answer 7.
      I told most customers to not buy a whole new computer if they don't need one. But when I read ''lag'' and ''HP'' then yes. HP needs to be burned to the ground tbh.

      Hopefully this answers some of your questions. My main question is whether this is a prebuilt or a custom build. Your choice of words has me in doubt but learning towards prebuilt. If you have any further questions or concerns and want a professional assesment shoot me a private message or reply to this comment.

      Kind regards,
    5. Titan liamarchie

      Titan liamarchie Active Member

      Feb 1, 2017
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      You are a life saver :) I now know what I plan on getting now for my birthday :) I will PM you a link now to the computer I am getting :) Thank you so much :) :asshat::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum:
    6. DanGaEb

      DanGaEb Experienced Member

      Aug 21, 2014
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      Personally, I built my PC myself. It was quite easy and interesting and it can save some money but if you are only planning on playing MC, there is probably no need to spend so much on a PC.

      BTW, gg on being 3 days older than me :P
    7. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
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      I've been running 8gb of ram for the last 2 years and I play only high/ultra settings all the time. 16gb is overkill for Minecraft and will be fine for everything.
    8. Titan liamarchie

      Titan liamarchie Active Member

      Feb 1, 2017
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      Thank You :)
    9. Vaxix

      Vaxix Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2016
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      Are you calling my 32gbs overkill D:<

      @Titan liamarchie
      If you are trying to build a gaming pc... Buy one. or build if you really want. You need to look for decent graphics cards and min of 8gbs of ram. Also a moderate cpu would help. Other than that, all other things are optional. I would recomment ssd's however.
    10. Titan liamarchie

      Titan liamarchie Active Member

      Feb 1, 2017
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      Thank you :)
    11. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      RAM is not the only important part to run MC smoothly. 16 gb is more than enough, so I think that's good.
      You'll also need to find a good graphics card that also has a good enough amount of ram.

      Just to let you know, just because a gaming mouse or keyboard looks cool, doesn't mean it's actually good. ;)

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