How old are you? I am currently 24. Your in-game name: My in-game name is KYxCIVICxMAFIA What timezone are you in? I Reside in the Eastern Time Zone. (Kentucky) What country do you live in? I am currently in the United States of America. (Merica) What languages do you speak? I speak the English language. Why do youthink you should become a mod? This is a great question; Moderating on Forums is not a child's play. Apart from all the rules that have been laid out, you have to be very knowledgeable to keep the threads fresh. It is not just about holding the position, and banning and unbanning posters or contributors. A moderator has to constantly conceive new ways to keep a thread going. He or she must be able to come up with new angles and approaches to the issue being discussed. Good internet and archival research skills should be a virtue of Mineverse Moderators. Moderators should also be able to present their ideas clearly and possess good writing skills. I'm not saying you have to be another Creator to be a good Moderator, but you've got to be good with words. A Moderator must also be able to edit posts and urge posters to come up with new angles to the information they provide. This is what makes a great moderator. How long can you be active on the server every day? Currently I can be on for about 8 hours a day. This is not just my free time, but it is my time I am on the computer doing school work. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been on Mineverse since March 24th 2014. Yes I know this is not a long time, but don’t judge me on that. This server has been good to me and I have made many friendships. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No, I am looking for an internship. I would like to learn the ways and I have a lot to offer. Thankd
You need more information regarding why you should be a mod. Remember, more info : Better Chance. Good Luck!
Actually a very nice application. Short, however to the point. I like it when someone can do that. Good luck!
I saw the caps and was expecting a "i will bun haxors." type application. Blooberry is impressed, but maybe change the title to [YourCountry]YourName Application to make it look a tad better :P Good luck
Thank you Blueberry!! I would like to start a server police job, so the Mods can relax and not be tied up a lot; kind of like a co-mod. It just an idea I had yesterday.