How Old Are You At the moment i'm am currently 17 my birthday was a month ago. Your In-game name My In-Game Name is PrattGamezYT What Time Zone are you in My timezone is PST or Pacific Standard Time for all the unaware What country do I live in I live proudly in the United States of America What languages do you speak My main language is English and me being in high school i am taking on spanish as my second language Why do you think you should be a Moderator I believe I should become a moderator because I am the few people who have caught almost 15 hackers with the time i have spent of Mineverse. I'm not bragging as some of you will believe thats whatIi am doing.No what I meant I have caught several people hacking and i am one of the few able to do that. I am proud of myself for catching quite a lot of hackers. Those are just a few of the Minecraft hacker reports i have shot. How long can you be active on the server everyday Of course going through school i can't really be on it, but i can be on monday-friday i can be on for at least 3-5 hours and saturday-sunday i can be on for as long as 9 hours with minimal to no breaks and if i do they're, at the most 30 minutes. How long have you been playing Mineverse I have been playing on Mineverse for up to 12 and a half months. Do you have any past experience as a moderator Yes, most defiantly i have been all of the ranks there can be such as Co-owner, Head-admin, Admin, Head-mod, mod etc. THANKS FOR READING MY MODERATOR APPLICATION BYE HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY OR EVENING
If you are 17, why does your profile say 14? Do not give me any of that "I forgawt mah berfday." or "I hit da wrong button" stuff please :P
my profile was not made by me my little brother pratt21 made it for me, and put his age. by the way im not lying so please don't think that