Hello guys, My name is Mads Stokholm from Denmark. I go to school in the 6th grade. I live in Ikast, Denmark together with my twinbrother and mom and dad. Besides computer I like to hang out with my friends - also AFK I play football and listen to music. Here are my details - I am looking forward to hear from you. Best regards Mads. +45 20 47 29 86 How old are you: I am 13 years old. Your in-game name: stokholm. What timezone are you in: CEST. What country do you live in: Denmark. What languages do you speak: Danish/English Why do you think you should become a mod: Because i am helpful and i love to play Minecraft - I played since the betaversion in 2010/11. I am skilled in many plugins/commands in minecraft - permissions, preffix, suffix, and so much more, I therefore think I am well qualified. i am not perfekt but 1 thing can i say, i am fair. and I will do anything to become Mod Do you read the rules: Yes Plugins I am pro skilled in: Multiverse, Groupmanager, Essentials, Buycraft and so many more. i know you are pro to all things/commands/plugins but if there are a problem you dont can fix, just say it to me if i can help i will HELP! :D SkypeName: Mads0701 Why will you have mod: Because is a awesome server and i think i can help. yeah and so, yeah i cant say more, but i like the server, and i will love to Becomse Mod. Mic On Skype: Yes I have mic. so just call me. How long can you be active on the server everyday: 2-3 hours every day. Can you be active on forums: Yes I will be active on forums a lot. How long have you been playing Mineverse: 1 year. and still loving it Do you have any past experience as a moderator: I had my own server where I played with my closest friends. so i have experience as staff/moderator all though it was a small server.
You need more information regarding why you should be a mod. Remember, more info : Better Chance. Good Luck!
Yup, it looks very skinny compared to other peoples post's. The longer and more detailed it is, the better!
If you add more detail you have a chance of getting my support. However at the moment you have none of my support.