Do you have a problem you can't seem to find an answer to? Do you feel as if you are slowly losing control over your everyday life? Has the weight that of the fact that you will probably never do anything eventful in your life and will die a nobody finally set it? Well fear not, because for a short time only, I will answer any question you have, give you any piece of advice you need! My name is Professor Hans, and for years I have studied the art of giving advice, and after obtaining my PhD in advice giving, I will share with you, the answer to all of your problems. Simply state if you want a serious answer, and ask away!
Ah yes, this here can be a touchy subject. First it's best to clear this up: Sex: Biological There are two (male/female... Three if you want to push it - Hermaphrodite) Gender: A social construct What you see yourself as. So by this definition, there can be any number of "genders". However in my mind, there are seven. Male Female There are your "basic" genders, most people will fall under these two Trans-male Trans-female Like the basic ones, just swapped around a bit Bigender Someone who identifies as both genders Agender Someone who does not associate themselves with any gender Gender fluid Someone who is either gender (differs from Bigender, as it is not both at once) This should sum up the genders. Here is a tip: Ignore anything Tumblr has to say. According to Tumblr, a floating ball of light is a gender. (Not even kidding, it's called "Lichtgender") No he's not, sorry. He wasn't going to the corner store like he said he was. My condolences It is exactly what it looks like
Little known fact, crippling depression is just the name of the type of depression crippled people get. Yes, by virtue of name, crippling depression is worse than regular depression Now this question can be a bit fickle to answer, as it will generally require more details. However I am fairly confident in my answer of "16 pineapples". There could be a lot of reasons for this, but my guess would be that at the core, MV hasn't brought enough new to the table to keep up with the growing playerbase, and is therefore being outshone by other formats Ah damn, I've been found out. I only wanted to *googles Scientology beliefs* help guide everyone to true spiritual enlightenment and freedom No the penis does not have a bone, it uses special "erectile tissue", which is able to become hard and rigid. However you can still "break" a penis, which can happen if an erect penis sustains too much force. This is known as a "penile fracture".
Ho boy. This is a question that no matter what I answer, someone isn't gonna be happy. My main belief on the fact that Trump is such a meme, is to start with, prior to running this year in the elections, he has not involved in politics, and more of less "took it up as a hobby" (Yes I am aware he ran in the past) To top that off, his extreme views tend to be polarized, radical, and this type of thing can be scary, and the best way to deal with an issue like this, one that you cannot do anything about, is to make fun of it. Make a joke of a scary situation. Use humor to highlight the absurd. And that is my belief on why Trump has been such a meme.
I gave it to ya' last Tuesday. You were totally wasted and were saying something about going pine tree shopping