Now before I lose your attention, BANGING YOUR HEAD AGAINST A WALL BURNS 150 CALORIES AN HOUR Sweet! Now that I have your attention, on to the main topic, chess. So the other day, I ended up signing up for a miniature chess tournament, and in the days before this tournament comes around, I have realized how woefully unprepared I am. For that reason, I would like to request aid, as in, if someone skilled at chess could help 'tutor' me, I would be ecstatic. In terms of skill, I am by no means bad, just not great. I would place my chess ranking at around 1300-1400 points, but that's when tryharding. Thank you in advance, Hans/Vash
Wait! im going to have to stop you right there. Banging your head against a wall would burn more than 150/h. you are working your core, your neck, and your arms if you are trying to give yourself leverage. At least 400/h imho tip one, always protect your pieces with each move. tip two, long live the queen.
Try to look as intimidating as possible when choosing your move Also this vid should rlly help you out
Alright, so I love chess, so I'll give some tips. Nothing matters but the King. Sacrifice anything you have to sacrifice to win. That being said, ironically, do try and protect your pieces. A good way of doing this is by making sure that one of your pieces is either protecting another piece, or being protected by another piece (or both). This means that if they take said piece, another piece will take them. For example, say I have a queen on B5. I also have a knight that could move to the square, but queen is in the way. If you take the queen, then the knight can move to where the queen just was. This method can be used to make people not take your pieces, because they don't want to lose theirs. Try and take out all the very left and right pieces, they are the ones that can cause the most damage, so if you get rid of them, you will most likely win. Make to sure to check (not checkmate) the king. If you check the king with a knight, and also have the queen in your move trajectory, the king will be forced to move, and you can then take the queen. This works with knights, castles, and (sometimes) bishops. Be very aggressive. Take as many as people as you can, without sustaining too much damage. If you attack hard and fast, your opponent will get flustered and will make mistakes. Look up some quick chess wins. I know one that checkmates in six moves, and I use it all the time. It allowed me to beat an opponent who was ranked in my region. Memorize these move combinations, and when they're there, use them. I hope this helps, good luck! (Sorry if you already knew all this)
No problem. I realized after I wrote it that you probably knew everything. I posted it anyways because I hoped I could get a Like.