This is an unofficial guide on how to become a mod. 1. Be ACTIVE -You want people to know how long you can be on in a single session to see how many chores you can do (helping people etc.) 2. Be KIND -This results in you making sure you don't get salty when you're a mod. If you are salty, no offense, but it's really not going to help. The mods are usually seen as cool and calm, not hyperactive and salt. just saying. @Andrewswj and @Arvedi ?!? You seriously know you're ruining your chances of becoming/re-becoming mod?! 3. Make sure you know the rules. -This results in making sure you don't false ban/kick/mute people. 4. Have a lot of previous experience and describe these experiences. -This results in people knowing that you do know how to be a mod. 5. do a ton of reports. -This results in people knowing that you do enforce the rules. 6. Play on as many gamemodes as possible. If you don't like a gamemode, then don't play it. -This makes sure you know the rules of other gamemodes you don't play, and it also makes sure that people can trust you to be active on other gamemodes. I hope my short but sweet guide helped.