Mineverse's community (or at least 70% of it) is a deathtrap known as "popularity". I have noticed that everyone who is popular among the server gets all the attention while all of the newcomers get pushed around, taken advantage of, and/or ignored. I notice this not only in game, but on the forums too. I have tried making threads on help and guides, map submissions, reports, and each one of these has one instance of being ignored. Now I will admit, I am still quite a new player, even though I did join quite some time ago. Each thread I made, at one point or another will die out within 1 hour to even up to 3 days.On the complete opposite end, I notice any player who has made a lot of friends here constantly getting their posts updated and boosted by the players reading and commenting their posts. This does not work out for me since IRL i am an introvert. It's harder for me than most people to make new friends quickly. And the friends that I have made, I made mostly because they spoke to me first. For the popular players I've seen so far, (and i'm not trying to point anything out, so don't get offended if by chance it does happen), most of them will ignore me or any other newcomer whenever they try to get to know the game better. I know, I know, i'm making the popular side of the community look like bad people, and I assure you, not all the players are like that. Back to me, I do not make friends that good IRL. That being said, it is sort of different in game and online, but not as hard for me. Even with that, there are already many circles of friends on this server un-accepting to new players just because they have formed strong bonds or alliances and they think having a new player with them will ruin their game or make them look bad. That makes making yourself "known" very difficult for a player who has not been there since the start. I even see this in some of the staff members. An instance occurred where the staff were chatting with some players who I assume were popular, and in the middle of that, multiple times, I had asked them to check out a possible hacker since my recording system didn't work at the time and no one else would record. They, of course, ignored me and continued their chat with the other players. Being ignored and left out IRL is nothing new to me, so I guess that's what got me into minecraft. Maybe it was just easier to make new friends there. Some people I see in real life think i'm weird cause I still play minecraft, but tbh, I don't really care. Their lives are not my own. I guess I made this thread to let off some anger from my IRL life that has been slowly seeping into minecraft. For all you that I have made connections with, over mineverse and any other minecraft community out there, thanks for sticking with me. I hope our friendship can stay. Hopefully we can make the lesser known people on this server gain a purpose on this server and for all of them to be more accepted throughout the whole mineverse community. *Watch this thread die out in a day, just wait, WATCH IT HAPPEN PEOPLE.* Well, that's all for now. Hope to see you all in game some time. If you want to message me in game, don't hesitate to do so. Your 'status' on the server doesn't matter, you can friend me or message me whenever you want :D AND FOR GOD'S SAKE DON'T HATE ON ME FOR THIS...
This is the process that happened to me when I first joined. I was just a regular new guy, looking to have fun. But, I wanted to make friends to enhance my game experience. It wasn't that easy to make friends, until I met my first friend, Proskillz67. Anyway, back to your point of view. I know how it feels, and it should change. People should start to realise what they are doing, and maybe should start welcoming players, make friends with new players and so on. Just a little 'welcome' or 'want to be friends' can change the way that new player acts, plays and, best of all, having more fun.
It's kinda hard to have fun when people aren't accepting. I was actually thinking about leaving the community all together a few times and disappearing into some other place where people know that I exist...
I know that place that people know you exist. But here, I know that you exist, and other should aswell. This is not just for people to know you exist, but for people to know that everyone in this community exist. Everyone that makes this 'population' grow.
Urm... Not everyone gets pushed around or ignored if they are unpopular... But one thing is that if you're a staff member or some really salty ex mod you get a load of attention lol
yep. but its sort of the right kind of attention. because its the attention you want, but it doesnt really do good for you
I don't want attention if it's gonna tick people off and make them hate me. I'd rather stay unnoticed if that's the case.
Just don't be one of those people who try hard gamemodes without talking or having fun and eventually people will talk to you.
I'll be friends with you Yea, I do admit that this server is very unaccepting to newcomers. The thing is, it won't change. It's an online block game and people do whatever the hell is on their minds. Most people don't care, and if they're popular on this server they get a lot of attention. I find this thread interesting :D