First of all, we do not hate anyone. We banned you for scamming or whatever else it was, and that was your fault regardless of whatever you may say. We banned tjenkins after noticing that he had the same IP as you, same characteristics as you, and in multiple occasions you said things that proved you were him. Even if you are brothers, you could still get on his account and ban evade. Case closed. We have rules, and you broke them.
tj hasnt used Account Why would he has tons more tell me Why He Would use mine when he has atleast 10 more?
Why don't you just admit that you are the same person? If you really are two different people, you certainly don't act that way due to your similar attitude. This has gone way too far. I think you should clear up your mess. And if you think everyone hates you, why are you still hanging around on this server? Pile has proved that you are from the same IP in-game and on the forums. You just keep trying to defend your alt. You keep annoying everyone on this server because of your actions. Seriously, GET OVER IT We know you are tjenkins, and if you say that he's your brother or your friend, how are you going to prove that?
I would hope we have the same Ip sense we live in the same house and they make this magical thing called skype
I never asked you for money, I said "I only need 15k for B" or something like that, and you voluntarily gave me the money, I never asked you for it. This is going off-topic so I recommend going back on-topic.
Here is a spoiler of rules you have broken, that ended up getting you banned. Spoiler Also, in a few reports with TJenkin's account you said this: You are on tjenkin's account, and you said your in game name was progamer6. Whoops. This has gone on for long enough. This thread is pointless, we have countless amounts of evidence against you and it is time for this thread to die. The archive fairy waves his wand.
Your claims are then that I bought "Elite" for a random stranger? I would pay $50 to a stranger I've never even spoken with? (Your words) Or joke in a personal way(as your signature shows our relationship as friends: ) with someone I've never known? You make no sense. It is my call as a moderator. Feel free to contact whoever you wish... The clout I've earned myself through my honesty, dedication and hard work on this server will however not be in your favor. Tj I was the one in your corner. I really wish you would've just been good. I miss seeing you in game, but most of all I am sad that I couldn't make you make better choices.