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  • Alpha Alliance ~Official Page~

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Bananurz, Jun 6, 2014.

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    1. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      Alpha Alliance Official Page


      Welcome to the A Team's Official Page! We have Skyblock, Factions, And Survival groups willing to accept new people in to the alliance. We are always open to questions and new applicants. Apply down below and follow the questions carefully and neatly to be considered in the alliance. Good Luck!
      About Alpha
      We are a competitive group of SkyBlockers, Pvpers, Builders, And Survivalist! We forge to be the best and compete to be at the top of the chain! Alpha was founded about 6 months ago by bananaman11223 and darkshadow5678. They are the owners/founders of the alliance. If you have any questions be sure to contact me or any other eager alliance member. In Alpha everyone has a job and has to do it. This is how we fight to be the best. We would love to see new applicants and would be eager to consider them. Have fun!
      Alpha Alliance Positions:
      1. Trail Member (This rank gives you a week to prove us your loyalty!)
      2. Member
      3. Senior Member
      4. Elders
      5. Group Leaders
      6. Co Owner
      7. Owner

      Note: All positions are possible with time, loyalty, and patience. (Besides Owner Positions)

      Alliance Rules:
      1. No profanity/Cursing
      2. No Griefing (Skyblock Mainly)
      3. No Disrespect towards other members
      4. Use Common Sense
      5. No Death Warps
      6. No hacks
      7. Have Fun!

      1. What part of alpha would you wish to join?

      2. What country do you live in?

      3. What timezone are you in?

      4. How many players are living on your island? (Skyblock)

      5. How long can you play daily?

      6. How old are you?

      7. What languages do you speak?

      8. Do you have any alt accounts?

      9. Are you in another alliance, faction, or group?

      10. What are you pvp skills 1-10?

      11. Are you an bad, ok, good, or great builder?

      12. Do you have Skype?
      13. Why do you think you should join Alpha?

      14. What could you provide us with?

      15. Are you an experienced Minecraft player?

      NOTE: Once you are finished with the app look over and make sure you are happy with it being published.

      We will contact you if you are denied or accepted! Thank you for your time. -The A Team!


      Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    2. changeh

      changeh Experienced Member

      May 4, 2014
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    3. CookieCrafterMC

      CookieCrafterMC Experienced Member

      Apr 8, 2014
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      How old are you? 16

      How long have you been playing Mine-verse? 1 Year

      What Time-Zone Are you in? Greenwich Mean Timezone (GMT)

      How long can you be active daily? 2-7 Hours

      How many players (If Any) Are Currently living on your island? 4

      Which languages do you speak? Polish English France

      Are you in another Alliance? Nope

      Have you been banned from any Mine-verse servers before? Why? Yes Creative Spamming [@KewlMCDude]

      Why do you think you would be a good contribution to this alliance? Because I am In a Popular Faction (NASA Faction) I never Leave someone behind I allways try To Help.

      What can you provide this alliance with? Medieval Builds (Old Type Buildings) Masive Farms

      Which job would you like to have? (Wood Collector, Animal Farmer, Gold Farmer, Ect.) Wood Collector and Animal Farmer
    4. Dcase78

      Dcase78 Active Member

      Mar 28, 2014
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      @CookieCrafterMC im a Alliance member and never have seen you on skyblock and I have /seen you and you've never played skyblock on here before. Is that wrong or?
    5. CookieCrafterMC

      CookieCrafterMC Experienced Member

      Apr 8, 2014
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      Yep I am on NASA Sky and do /seen kubasliz Thats my In-Game name :)
    6. Dcase78

      Dcase78 Active Member

      Mar 28, 2014
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      Oh ok I know you know I've seen kubasliz... Just making sorry carry on!
    7. Dracowwe

      Dracowwe Active Member

      Feb 12, 2014
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      How old are you? I'm 15

      How long have you been playing Mine-verse? 1 year

      What Time-Zone are you in? Eastern Pacific Time

      How long can you be active daily? Up to 14 hours

      How may players (If Any) Are Currently living on your island? 2

      Which languages do you speak? English,Vietnamese,Italian

      Are you in another alliance? No

      Have you ever been banned from any Mine-verse servers before? No

      Why do you think you would be a good contribution to this alliance? I'm a noble,hard-working gamer who is active a lot and I can provide resources to other alliance members and donate to keep amazing shops alive and can still visit often.I don't lie about promises I can't keep and I know a lot about farming resources and can help collect enough on time.I have a gold farm,obsidian farm,wheat farm,music disc farm,and a lot more.

      What can you provide this alliance with? Resources and items I don't need from kit god.Also rare items when anyone calls.

      Which job would you like to have(Wood cutter,Animal Farmer,Gold Farmer,Ect) I'd take animal,obsidian,gold,music disc,and wheat farmer,any is fine.
    8. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      There Will Be A Few Questions Below And Options To Choose From!

      How old are you?
      How long have you been playing Mine-verse?
      3 months
      What Time-Zone Are you in?
      London timezone (GMT)
      How long can you be active daily?
      I can be active daily around 5 or more hours. depends.
      How many players (If Any) Are Currently living on your island?
      2 including me
      Which languages do you speak?
      English and abit of Cantonese
      Are you in another Alliance?
      Have you been banned from any Mine-verse servers before? Why?
      Why do you think you would be a good contribution to this alliance?
      I think I would be a good contribution to this alliance because I love to help out and join in an alliance. I would also join into this alliance as I have never been in one. I have seen /warp dcase /warp valuemart /warp cinimark etc and I always go there to get my resources. There all amazingly built and I could help to provide resources when people need help.
      What can you provide this alliance with?
      I can provide lots and lots of obsidian which can lead to providing lots of gold. ( I havent built a gold farm yet but i can currently use one) I can provide lots of cobble and building blocks.
      Which job would you like to have? (Wood Collector, Animal Farmer, Gold Farmer, Ect.)
      I would like to have the job of wood collector, obsidian collector or animal farmer, most of them are good for me. :)
      Thank you for taking your time to read this.
      Bananaman11223 Will Contact you If Your Application has either Been Denied Or Accepted!
      Good Luck :3!

      P.S. -------
      This Application Is Listed Under Factions Because There was no sky block section. I did as froe and arch did earlier. No Hate please this is just an application!

      Your Application Has Been Accepted! Contact Bananaman11223 or Darkshadow5678 To Get More Info!
      -Good Luck!
      Last edited: Jun 25, 2014
    9. changeh

      changeh Experienced Member

      May 4, 2014
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      Thank you for accepting me :) . I will do my best ! :D
    10. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      Sorry For The Delay.... I am Still Deciding
    11. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
      Likes Received:
      How old are you? 16
      How long have you been playing Mine-verse? 1 Year

      What Time-Zone Are you in? Greenwich Mean Timezone (GMT)

      How long can you be active daily? 2-7 Hours

      How many players (If Any) Are Currently living on your island? 4

      Which languages do you speak? Polish English France

      Are you in another Alliance? Nope

      Have you been banned from any Mine-verse servers before? Why? Yes Creative Spamming [@KewlMCDude]

      Why do you think you would be a good contribution to this alliance? Because I am In a Popular Faction (NASA Faction) I never Leave someone behind I allways try To Help.

      What can you provide this alliance with? Medieval Builds (Old Type Buildings) Masive Farms

      Which job would you like to have? (Wood Collector, Animal Farmer, Gold Farmer, Ect.) Wood Collector and Animal Farmer

      Your Application Has Been Accepted! CONTACT bananaman11223, or darkshadow5678 in-game to receive more information!
    12. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
      Likes Received:
      How old are you? I'm 15
      How long have you been playing Mine-verse? 1 year

      What Time-Zone are you in? Eastern Pacific Time

      How long can you be active daily? Up to 14 hours

      How may players (If Any) Are Currently living on your island? 2

      Which languages do you speak? English,Vietnamese,Italian

      Are you in another alliance? No

      Have you ever been banned from any Mine-verse servers before? No

      Why do you think you would be a good contribution to this alliance? I'm a noble,hard-working gamer who is active a lot and I can provide resources to other alliance members and donate to keep amazing shops alive and can still visit often.I don't lie about promises I can't keep and I know a lot about farming resources and can help collect enough on time.I have a gold farm,obsidian farm,wheat farm,music disc farm,and a lot more.

      What can you provide this alliance with? Resources and items I don't need from kit god.Also rare items when anyone calls.

      Which job would you like to have(Wood cutter,Animal Farmer,Gold Farmer,Ect) I'd take animal,obsidian,gold,music disc,and wheat farmer,any is fin

      You application has been accepted! You will have a 1 Week MemberShip.. If you do well you will become a Full Time Member! Good Luck!

      Contact bananaman11223 or darshadow5678 Ingame To Receive Info And To answer Questions on your behalf!
    13. Ezekiel Zeke

      Ezekiel Zeke Experienced Member

      May 31, 2014
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      How old are you? 13 years old

      How long have you been playing Mine-verse? I have been playing Mineverse since January 2013

      What Time-Zone Are you in?
      Central Time Zone... Illinois

      How long can you be active daily?
      1 hour - 15 hours
      How many players (If Any) Are Currently living on your island?
      No ones on my island,its a one man place

      Which languages do you speak?
      English, a little but of Spanish and currently learning French.
      Are you in another Alliance?

      Have you been banned from any Mine-verse servers before? Why?
      Yes for staff disrespect once.
      Saying you suck di*** and you retared to Pile :(

      Why do you think you would be a good contribution to this alliance?
      I can help others and I work hard for my things and stuff and always try to make me be heard.I an loyal and would never be trade others..
      I am noble like a knight and will serve until I die.I can get stuff and build great things with little/a lot of resoures.

      What can you provide this alliance with? Resoures and getting things like,If you guys are busy I can go and fetch something for you

      Which job would you like to have?
      A job that involves Mining or a Animal Farmer or any other job that there is...

      (I will contact you for ALL the jobs there all and there task.)

    14. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
      Likes Received:

      How old are you? 13 years old

      How long have you been playing Mine-verse? I have been playing Mineverse since January 2013

      What Time-Zone Are you in?
      Central Time Zone... Illinois

      How long can you be active daily?
      1 hour - 15 hours
      How many players (If Any) Are Currently living on your island?
      No ones on my island,its a one man place

      Which languages do you speak?
      English, a little but of Spanish and currently learning French.
      Are you in another Alliance?

      Have you been banned from any Mine-verse servers before? Why?
      Yes for staff disrespect once.
      Saying you suck di*** and you retared to Pile :(
      Why do you think you would be a good contribution to this alliance?
      I can help others and I work hard for my things and stuff and always try to make me be heard.I an loyal and would never be trade others..
      I am noble like a knight and will serve until I die.I can get stuff and build great things with little/a lot of resoures.
      What can you provide this alliance with? Resoures and getting things like,If you guys are busy I can go and fetch something for you

      Which job would you like to have?
      A job that involves Mining or a Animal Farmer or any other job that there is...

      (I will contact you for ALL the jobs there all and there task.)


      Your Application Has Been Denied Due To Your Recent Infraction! Apply Again In 3 Days!
    15. Skylanderdavid

      Skylanderdavid Well-Known Member

      Jan 21, 2014
      Likes Received:
      This application has false information. Mineverse has opened February 2013, Not January

      I am one of the members. If You could have put true information. I would have agreed with you. Good luck!

      Last edited: Jun 26, 2014
    16. Bradg14_alpha_

      Bradg14_alpha_ Active Member

      Jun 26, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Im 15
      ive ben playing mineverse for about 2 years
      My time zone is united states
      Im active about 4 hours a day
      A new friend is on my island his user is bradg17
      I only speak english
      I was but we closed the alliance'
      Ive been banned from survival for trapping and I take full responsibility and I wont do it again
      Yes because I love making shops
      I can provide this alliance with how much I know on how to make shops
      I will like to have the job sugar cane farmer and farming all needs... if im accepted
    17. Skylanderdavid

      Skylanderdavid Well-Known Member

      Jan 21, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Brad, There is False information on this application. Mineverse has only been open since February 2013. 3-4 months over a year From June 27, 2014
    18. Bradg14_alpha_

      Bradg14_alpha_ Active Member

      Jun 26, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I said About
      not 2 years about 2 years
    19. onesquad

      onesquad i am your dad Premium

      Oct 23, 2013
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    20. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      He was being honest on what he did respect that and don't post here just to post plz.
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