awhile ago pile stated you ban the account not the player now you are going and claiming im progamer6(which im not) and you are banning him for no reason then you are being rude to him when he asks for you skype?
*From the rules: 5. Major Offenses We have pantloads of evidence that proves that you are progamer and that tjenkins is progamer6 also. Pile might have come off as rude because you have been pestering her for days now for an unban. Believe it or not, that can get annoying to us.
lol im not pestering anyone about getting anyone unbanned im not progamer6 and she dont even take the time to see that where 2 different people i cant state that im noobcrew am i tho?
see i asked a simple question and she's rude to me? how is that mod worthy sense she also abused it alot
We already told you we had evidence. Yeah, I'm sure you have a brother, but it is extremely likely he doesn't play much minecraft and you use his account a lot.
I have my own server to mess around on to and btw not trying to advertise im just pointing out I'm not tj and I never will be
Pot calling the kettle black much? lol (is this still mean?) Also Tj I already have you on skype. I don't need your second skype account as well. LOL I bought you elite on this programmer account when tjenkins was banned from your favorite GM. I've only ever been nice to you. I've only ever given you WAY too many chances. I've only ever been honest. I deserve better than this. Goes to show you kindness and honesty isn't enough for some people. Now to answer your question, we ban the account not the player which is why you keep ban evading on other accounts because you continue to break rules and get banned. If I could ban the player, you wouldn't be here right now.
progamer6, Pile has done more then enough to provide support to this server. I recommend you keeping it closed so this doesn't result in a fight. I don't see why you have to be so self-centered to Pile when all she said was "lol?" Why is that so offensive in the terms of laugh out loud? You have been ban evading with other accounts which is against Mineverse rules... You are still here talking, isn't that proven to be enough chances?
For arguments sake lets say progamer is your brothers account. We ban the account not the player... Tj was ban evading on the "brother's" account. So now unfortunately that account is banned and your "brother" can no longer play on the prison server. That's the rules.