MY IGN: SmokeSkillz OFFENDERS' IGN: Admarm, KoalaGj, OldQueen123 You can see at the beginning of the first video Admarm saying "tpa for 1v1 winner gets 200 dollars and p4 set in the best pvp ever". I thought that message in itself was fishy... So I decided to tpa to Admarm (while recording for anything that might happen). Not even a second passes, and hits just started coming from what it seemed like 3 or more players. By being teleported into a concealed area where there seemed to have been multiple players waiting for the kill, I can conclude that Admarm's message in the chat was a lie/scam and that their real obvious intent was to bait in players, 'tp-trapping' them for items. Now, I've provided two separate videos, the first one pretty much explains itself, while the second is just a clarification of the players' names (since they were a bit unclear in the first video). I hope you give these players the proper punishments, thank you for reading. VIDEOS:
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.