We do talk! I'm xy6.. (recently ProfileL) Ok so, you're a very kind person, and you seem to be very chill (from what I've seen on the forums). I also really like to play oppvp with chuu. ;) Sorry for the small tbh, I dont know you enough to say alot 'bout you.
._. Andrew :> We used to be friends and talk quiet alot, before you quit, I really enjoyed those times. You were very friendly and you always were there for everyone. (Still tho ;)) Since you came back and got mod, we haven't got that much contact anymore. pls mhu with ur skype <3
Ah... I'm so sorry I didn't have much time after I got Mod, and nowadays I'm in school so I don't really play in-game that much. So anything anyone wants to address, it'll have to be on forums. Set up a Convo with me and state your Skype name, I'll add you then. Hope you won't disclose it to others!