I know many of you agree with me and a lot I know dont agree but I im desiding to give it a shot. I think that eggs are way to over powerd because they get basicly anyone down to half heart then all the OP people have to do I shoot them or get 1 hit on them and then "poof" dead plz support to take them away.
I'm not the biggest infection player ever, but I support this because since donor kits are gone, and getting hit by one pretty much means you're screwed. And high level zombies are already OP, the eggs just make that worse and make the game not enjoyable for me.
Neutral. -The eggs are a big part of the game, and without them people can't get killed. -Maybe nerf them, instead of removing them completely. Good Luck!
Neutral They are very op, I would recommend just betting them instead of removing them. Also, can you possibly add some ideas of what could replace the egg if it is removed?