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  • Tag Who Made Your 2016 On MV Great !

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic Archive' started by ImMrStealYoGurt, Dec 30, 2016.

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    1. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Aw shucks, gee guys
    2. Jguns99

      Jguns99 Experienced Member

      Oct 3, 2014
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    3. KKeith

      KKeith Experienced Member

      Sep 21, 2015
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    4. Maxine

      Maxine Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2016
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      Lof u and all the other people I missed out <3
    5. Aly

      Aly Alchemist Premium

      Sep 28, 2016
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      ihy rn `annoying' bye
    6. Aly

      Aly Alchemist Premium

      Sep 28, 2016
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      yes it was the best idea ever
    7. Aly

      Aly Alchemist Premium

      Sep 28, 2016
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      in the next 30 days maybe
    8. CraftyAlex01

      CraftyAlex01 Active Member

      Oct 16, 2015
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      <333333333333333333333333 SNAP ME MORE!!
    9. Levis

      Levis Boss Member

      Sep 13, 2014
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    10. sitzoum

      sitzoum Experienced Member

      Feb 20, 2014
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    11. Foils ;>

      Foils ;> Active Member

      Apr 4, 2016
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      i should of been on that the top mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    12. Foils ;>

      Foils ;> Active Member

      Apr 4, 2016
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      i see how it is ;]
    13. Dev

      Dev Experienced Member

      Nov 25, 2016
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    14. Vaxix

      Vaxix Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2016
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      you are on mine ;)
    15. Dev

      Dev Experienced Member

      Nov 25, 2016
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      ur like the only one im on :P
    16. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      I'm RoyalBlueRanger and I royally messed up when choosing my Forums name of @BlueExplorer. :( I think I still have a few friends who do not know that BlueExplorer is me. ;) lol!

      I started to play MineVerse in 2016 under the persistent pressure from @FlyingHorseRider, whom I've known for YEARS! We started off with factions but then Horse tried to get me to try Prison. I resisted going to Prison with extreme enthusiasm, but I finally did cave in and it became my primary game mode. @FlyingHorseRider you are the best and you are always there (most of the time) when I need you; I'll be there for you (well assuming I'm done with my potions :) ). Sorry I'm not able to always join you for other adventures but my heart is jailed in prison. :) BTW quit pushing so hard for a prison reset since that may not be the jail-break you are hoping for. ;) lol!

      There are just way too many players on prison that have really made MineVerse more than great; they made it awesome. Its been a pleasure to help out so many with simple things or with cash "donations" up to sums of $3 million each. I've must have given away at least 30 million over the last 5 months! Special thanks to @DeadQueen234, @StopToThink, and @ConnecticVoltage since you are the only ones who actually paid me back when you said you would (hope I didn't forget anyone). :) You three totally rock! Everyone else whom I given money to... please keep it. The joy is in giving and you've helped me in so many ways by accepting the gifts. :)

      Hey Duckie you are way too awesome! Awe... thanks! Love you too! Thanks so much for being there for me and giving me way more than what I have ever asked for. :) That reminds me, I still owe you $0.01 ... ;) Love your builds too! You are so talented and creative; thanks for showing them to me. I still cannot get over your brewing setup... all those brewing stands and what speed! lol... You rock on so many levels!

      Hey @MrFishy I never really tried to be annoying. lol... I guess I need more practice and must up my game on that skill. Would love it if there was an mcmmo for that! ;) Kidding of course! Wouldn't want to annoy anyone. :)

      Yeah... we made it to well over 50 two times in a row, all within 15 minutes of each other, before any mods could stop us. :) Awesome job everyone! :)

      Thanks @Sparky so much for taking me and @FlyingHorseRider in to your fac when we were homeless. It was very fun competing with you on the cows, sheep, and yes, even /baltop. :) Your kindness and generosity is legendary and you've been an awesome role model for many including myself. :)

      Hey awesome builds! :) I really enjoyed our talks and glad you gave me a chance to help a little with a few of your builds: darn creepers! lol..

      @CIASnipez I totally think you hit the nail on the head. @Via your voice is amazing and so is your singing. I can see you doing something awesomely wonderful with your gift. :) Thanks so very much for sharing! :)

      @math_pro_100! Thanks so much for introducing me to many other game modes. :) Thanks for being so patient too. You are a very good friend indeed. :)

      @L1ve thanks so much for giving me a purpose these last few months and for buying hundreds of dubs of potions. :) Potions! So fun to make! :)

      @CyberLord20 (not on forums?) @GonnaPickYourAxe @Sparky Your builds are totally awesome! You've opened my eyes to more possibilities than what I could have ever imagined! Please keep designing and building! I cannot wait to see what's next! Cyber so sorry about the tree houses! :( Wish I had more time to work on them... maybe in the next few days if prison is still up I may try to complete the exterior of the second one.

      @MrFishy @Whyspr @Jguns99 So very glad we got to know each other a bit better these last few months. Thanks so very much for your help and for sharing with me and trusting me. You guys mean so much to me!

      @StopToThink (no forum account?) Hey you're family! My brother... my very little brother! :) And why do you keep asking to borrow the kits? Glad they are just about gone. ;) lol... Oh yeah, so sorry for causing you to choke on your breakfast when I gave you that very large sum of money... glad you recovered. ;)

      @mcmmo Don't get me wrong. Please don't get me wrong! I still like you, but man you betrayed me when you done away with the pigmen! I mean like what were you thinking? Well, OK I'll accept you for who you are. I may not fully understand you, but you're still OK. Friends? Oh yeah, about all those pickaxes you owe me... you can keep them. I don't need them anymore. ;)

      @samuelgamer123 You took me on that awesome cool ride for a few days there! Thanks for filling in the blanks on so many questions. ;) You rock! We need to do it again... a few times over. :)

      @PrisonReset Make up your mind already! ;) Either you will or you won't. Just stop teasing. :)

      @EccentricPotato_ Wow... funny... did not know we were in the same fac until I found out what your IGN was. ;) Wish I could have shared some of my bases way earlier with you. Hope they helped with your leveling... I did notice you made some awesome gains in the last month or two! Congrats!! :)

      @JuJuKitteh (no forums account?) @FatFish0110 @Snoch You guys gave me a good run on the mcMMO! Thanks for the challenge! I passed you guys on a few, but you totally rocked on many. Awesome job! :) Without you guys there would have been absolutely no point in exploring the nolifer.

      @ConnecticVoltage (no forums account?) Thanks so much for all your support and encouraging me to seek out a titan donor's rank. Your 5 to 7 dubs of repairs while I was god was good incentive to invest in titan. :) You have an awesome family... take care of @NextGenNitron and give her a few more s5's!lol... ;)

      @Dyna_Mighty What an awesome time getting to know you a little bit better while "hunting" this summer/fall. ;) I really appreciated all of your dedication and hard work, and yes, all the answers to my numerous questions too. :) Thanks so much for making 2016 so wonderful!

      @Pile Thanks so much for your help! I know you said it cannot be done, but hopefully I don't wind up bugging you in 2017! ;) I'm still waiting to hear back from you-know-who so who knows what may happen in 2017? Could be fun and awesome! :)

      @FearTheKlowns @BlackZone You two are actually part of an elite group of about 4 who had the opportunity to have ever killed me on prison. :) I actually enjoyed the raids, especially looking back on them. lol.. ;) I learned so much and was able to grow in ways I did not expect. I totally am looking forward to hopefully getting to know both of you better in the new prison. :) Fear I told you there were many ways to play... lol... I bet there are not many who have been in the top 3 on prison who can rightfully claim they have never been killed during a pvp match in d-block, c-block, b-block, or a-block. I guess that makes me undefeated within prison? lol.. yeah I know... ;)

      Last but in no way least...
      @taboosam1441 It was awesome in getting to know you and working with you on so many builds! Without you I would have given up on prison a long time ago and would never have caught the passion to chase that elusive mcMMO! ;) We learned a lot and we made a great many discoveries and awesome progress with hours and hours of hard work. Our strategies worked very well! It really made my day/week to come back from being AFK a few days before Christmas to catch you online when you wished me a merry Christmas and a happy new year! ;) I so very much hope you still have some great memories on MineVerse for 2016 and hopefully I did not ruin them for you. :( Here's hoping your 2017 is even better!

      If I forgot "anyone" it was not intentional.. I do apologize... please let me know of my errors so I can correct them.

      Thanks to everyone for making 2016 such and awesome year! I'm so very much looking forward to 2017!

      - Blue (RoyalBlueRanger)
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    17. MoosePMC

      MoosePMC Active Member

      Mar 6, 2015
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      Well where can I begin
      @Xtract - You have been with me since the start, you shaped me into the person I am today. You turned my life around and made me so happy with every second I spend with you. You have been there with me through my happiest times and my saddest times and no matter what you manage to cheer me up. You are not my best friend because I consider you as another brother <3.
      @Lauren_Ann512 - Lauren you are also one of the only people I can talk to with any problem I have and I know you are there to listen and help me. We have sat in calls for hours and hours making each other laugh about the dumbest stuff. You are like my big sister and I love you for being there for me <3.
      @Khortex - oh boy hells you are something else :) you are a very unique person and always manage to cheer me up. I love your humor and I love the fact that we can sit in a call for 12 hours straight playing whatever game no matter how dumb and find fun in it. You are without a doubt my best friend and I would never change a thing about you.
      @iLegalTaco - oh god xD I don't know where to begin with you matt you have to be the weirdest person I know but you always find a way to turn something bad into something great you. You find a way to make me laugh even through my worst and I don't ever want to lose our friendship.
      @LoveNKnives - Spoons, you are the greatest most positive person I know and the most calm even when helping me with things even when it seems hopeless xD. You are a great person and I hope you never change.

      These are my closest friends, people I can trust with my life. You all have made my year 100x better. Don't ever change because I will always love every single one of you ;).
    18. Aly

      Aly Alchemist Premium

      Sep 28, 2016
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      @Quertiss | You sometimes kill me a lot on infection and we used to target each other, but ur an annoying friend to have
      @WhyteDuck | Sometimes your very annoying and that frustrates me, but you still try to be friendly :)
      @Suixx | You were actually the first p10 that I became good friends with, you were never annoying and never glitched.I have known you since you were p1 and its been a great journey.
      @Computer | I had no idea you were Ordinateur7 at first, and you left for such a long timeeee :( We only get to see each other if its morning for me ;-;
      @Blue_PandaMC | Your a great reporter friend to have, and also a great teammate. You always help me any time I need help.
      @Auzzi | Your a fast learner and an amazing friend for me.We both love reporting,having fun and pranking Quertiss :D
      @FearTheKlowns | I don't even think you notice me anymore ;-;
      @Jhow | GET ON
      @TrippyArmy | You were one of my first friends :D I'm so sad we can't see each other anymore cuz its no longer holidays for me :(
      I think i missed some people, but <3
      • Like Like x 2
    19. iLegalTaco

      iLegalTaco Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2014
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      w0w....Your mom pays me to be your friend

      I kid i kid

      Not really
      • Like Like x 1
    20. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
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      more oh
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