So today I got on and voted. After I voted, it said you have already voted today, and didn't give me levels (Infection server) I didn't even vote today. Then I tried again, a couple hours later. It said You have already voted today. Try again in 22 hours 14 minutes or whatever.
Do you have a sibling or someone using the same network as you that may have already voted? You are only able to vote once per network IP
i was online in kitpvp and usually they announces u voted but it didnt and i did all the verification and correct name
Sometimes, it just takes a while. Depends how long you were waiting. Other than that, I cannot help. Sorry, I would love to help, but I just don't know the answer
when you vote dont close the tab keep it open, if it doent work click a couple times on the voting tab if that doesnt work refresh the page