I would fly to America & Russia to visit my family, then take a world trip and experience all the fieerent cultures! Then I would rent out Green Day for a private party for my friends and I. ;) Hmm, probably inactivity during my senior year if anything, can't imagine anything else. ;o (not that that's going to happen !!)
My American grandmother because I never got a chance to meet her face to face & I think it'd be p cool
According to a Cornell publication, the answer is ~700 pounds. Excerpt: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Compared to beavers, groundhogs/woodchucks are not adept at moving timber, although some will chew wood.
I rate that answer highly. Question #2: If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
Ha haaa um, probably my height because I'm tired of people my age not being interested in me because I look 12.
I'd recommend wearing very large heels. They help out. Question #3: Top 5 bands you want to see live?
Love my heels tbhhh Green Day!!!!!!!! Panic! At The Disco (not long !!!!) All Time Low (at their own concert, saw them @soundwave tho) Fun. -huge fan of their album and wish that I could be able to see them one day. Absolutely love them. Even though she's not a band, Avril Lavigne. Like, I would literally give my soul to see her live!!!
I may be going to see Green Day, but haven't made my mind up yet. Since it's a concert, would have to stick around for a lot of bands I've already seen and don't want to see. List looks good though, I'm sure you'll get through them all.