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  • Bring Mineverse Back To Life

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by EnderStevePigMan, Dec 21, 2016.


    Agree or disagree

    1. I Agree!

      7 vote(s)
    2. I disagree! I will comment below why.

      0 vote(s)
    1. EnderStevePigMan

      EnderStevePigMan Experienced Member

      Apr 13, 2014
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      Hello Mineverse Community, as some of you may know, or not I am EnderStevePigMan. I joined Mineverse in August 2013 and I currently have a God rank. As you can see on the title, we need to bring Minevesre back to life. I've been wanting to do this for a long time but I haven't had the time to do it. Mineverse hasn't been the same. As you can tell, Mineverse players have been dropping since 2015. We used to have around 2,000+ players every day, but now we only have around 500. That is pretty sad to be honest. In this Discussion I will be talking about everything that has happened to Mineverse, all the bad things, and how to fix all the bad things. I will be stating my opinion and I am not trying to offend anyone. I hope Mineverse changes soon.​
      So a little background story, I joined Mineverse in August 2013 at the age of 11. I pretty much only came to this server because it had a survival server. I loved playing Survival and I made a lot of friends, enemies, and memories like any player would. At this time, Mineverse was the best, it was in the top 10 servers according to a minecraft popular servers website. Moderators were just like regular players, they didn't act as if they were an owner threatening you if you did something you would get banned. Moderators just wanted to have friends and just play with normal players. Don't get me wrong, I loved this server but as the years when on, old players started leaving and things weren't the same anymore.​
      Once the new "Titan" rank came in, everything was over powered and things started getting boring. Sure I guess we needed a new rank but did we really need a such over powered rank? For instance, Survival isn't "vanilla survival" anymore. Titan can now enchant armor to its max level without an enchanting table and that is not "vanilla survival". I understand that vanilla servers aren't suppose to have mods but using /enchant is basically a mod due to the fact that you change everything of the game and it makes it over powered. It makes pretty much everything less exciting. You won't get excited when you finally get an enchanting table because you don't need it. You can just go to a Titan and ask for an enchant. It makes fighting mobs easy and less challenging. Pretty much Enchanting tables and books are useless due to the fact that Titan has such over powered command. Did we really need that rank? Mineverse was just fine with all the ranks it already had. Titan pretty much ruined the server.​
      Another thing that is also bad about Mineverse is all the resets. Not every mini game/game play is getting reset. Some haven't been reset in more than a year. For instance, Survival hasn't been reset in a year. It usually resets every year but it hasn't happened yet. If you are willing to make your players happy and stay at Mineverse, maybe you should make survival less over powered and make it more vanilla survival. I understand why hoppers don't work but I don't see the need of Titans having the enchant command. Vanilla survival should be like a normal survival in solo but with other players and some commands that are not over powered. We should also update the server. We are still in 1.8 in Survival I believe, correct me if I am wrong.​
      Some ways to change Mineverse to make it better is to...​
      • Fix The Titan Rank To Make It Less Over Powered, it makes the server boring.​
      • Reset Servers, it gets boring after a while​
      • Update The Severs, we need to get to the program, get 1.11​
      • (all the other things are just small changes, these are just the major problems ^ )​
      This is all I have to say. I really do miss the old Mineverse. Everything changed after 2014. I am truly sorry if I offended anyone in any way. I am just stating my opinion. I know I am not the only one that wants things to get back to how it used to be. The server clearly shows that it is getting worse due to the fact that the amount of players are dropping. Thank you for reading this. I hope you all have a great day & I am looking forward to see what will happen in the coming year.

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    2. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      I don't believe Mineverse Survival was ever vanilla, even before the Titan rank was introduced. If we wanted a vanilla game mode, there would be little to no commands and no shop (which would be quite cool, imo).

      I understand what you mean by Titan being overpowered, but now with the changes being made to comply with the EULA, the commands for Titan (and other ranks) would possibly be cut down to only a few which aren't too unfair. I like what has happened on both Factions and Infection, so perhaps the next Survival reset will be relatively similar. I do agree that it needs a reset soon.
    3. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
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      easier said than done, but ye good idea.
    4. EnderStevePigMan

      EnderStevePigMan Experienced Member

      Apr 13, 2014
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      Thank you for agreeing with me, Survival really needs a reset. ~Ender
      Thanks for the support. ~Ender
    5. KevCraft04255

      KevCraft04255 Experienced Member

      Jan 1, 2016
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    6. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      Support, I remember when I first joined survival you welcomed me to your mansion
    7. Insolar

      Insolar Well-Known Member

      Mar 18, 2015
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      Nothing can be done about Titan now unfortunately. Owners had the bright idea of implementing a rank that was expensive but so worth it since they molded the server around the aspect of pay to win for the past couple of years. If we wanted to nerf Titan then we'd have to refund hundreds of players who paid specifically for /heal /fly /god /v etc. And owners definitely don't want to do that.
    8. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      At least the god damn 100th thread on this topic
    9. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      I completely agree with you about more resets, OP PvP has never been reset from my knowledge and I've been playing for 3 years. I also believe resets (maybe not full) on everything else do not occur frequent enough.

      About titan being overpowered, I have to disagree with you. Titan is a $250 rank, $150 more than god, I personally its overpriced for what it gives you for $150 more. I understand why you say /enchant is OP, because it kinda is, but looking at the big picture of the server; I think titans don't get enough for what they're paying for.

      Updating to 1.11 would be nice for survival based gamemodes and creative, but it will absolutely kill PvP on mineverse to the point where PvP will be unplayable. Most servers still use 1.8 because PvP is fine in it, and using 1.8 in survival would not make it unplayable. As far as I'm concerned, Mineverse allows 1.8 - 1.10 clients.
    10. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      I kinda get where you're coming from, an old 14' player who is the one of the very few old players left that actually play the server. I mean, I technically am a 14' old player as well, just not a popular one nor a one that still plays it.

      But, there's some things to consider. Survival was never meant to be Vanilla Survival. If it began as a modded Survival gamemode, then it was not intended to be a Vanilla Survival game mode. If it was, it should have started with no mods, no ranks, just a plain old survival game mode with barely anything added. I wouldn't even consider it Semi-Vanilla at this point of time. Of course, things could change and I could see it being Semi-Vanilla with the EULA happening.

      As for the population, eh it wasn't exactly Mineverse that got us popular. I recall someone commenting of a huge youtuber who played this gamemode back in 14' and I remember being a video of a friend of SkyDoesMinecraft who played Infection back in 14' (breifly). So, its not exactly that what we did caused the fall of Mineverse, but it was the youtubers who brought us to the top and left to slowly bring us back to where we were. A 500-600 population server that isn't the best server. Obviously we have huge issues such as the EULA that does not encourage new players that don't want to waste money on a server that will is currently blacklisted. We don't offer anything besides OP kits for people who want a rank and its not really worth it at this time to play as a donor, nor was it for non-donors before the EULA enforcement kicked in.

      Before, Donators were OP and would have kits to overpower the regular player who didn't have rank. Obviously skill balanced the issue, but not all players had skill and obviously those who bought ranks and didn't had skill were given an advantage to balance the skill to gear ratio. Now, we have no kits because of the EULA, which we were warned about months back by Mojang themselves and we didn't prepare for this event to happen. Donors don't have too much left with most commands gone and even kits which begs the question, why even have a rank? Which means less and less people would tend to buy ranks on Mineverse, thereby decreasing the amount of money the server is earning per month. Logically, this whole problem is going to affect Mineverse in more ways than one.

      As for the server updating, good luck with that. The entire old community is still here and is going to influence the new generation of the community, and they are all old 1.7 hardcore players so they would rather see the server downgrade to 1.7 rather than upgrading to 1.11. While I admit it is a annoyance for mod creators and plugin creators, the positives outweigh the negatives here. New blocks, new combat systems (yes the block detection sucks in 1.9, but its getting better), new mobs, new items, etc. outweighs the bad hit detection and the fact that creators have to update their plugins and mods. We have plenty of staff that can develop plugins for the server if we ever did update after we fixed the issues we have right now.

      All in all, yeah the server is dying, but we can't really stop it at this point. Now, all we can hope is that new people replace the old by making the server better through better quality updates to each and every game mode and make it better than it was. Will that happen? Most old community members would probably say no or doubtful, but we shall see...
    11. WinterWaffles

      WinterWaffles Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Well I'd say I'm probably biased against the last suggestion as I can't even play 1.11, but I don't think it's necessary. New blocks & things would have to be added with every gamemode reset, or added into gamemodes that have /shop, as they wouldn't naturally generate. I'm not going to mention the 1.9 pvp. Plugins would need to be updated or reworked to fit 1.11 so the update would probably have to happen over time (by then hopefully it doesn't auto-crash everytime I open it)
      I'm not totally opposed to the idea though. If Minecraft doesn't completely die out with the pointless updates that detract from the game's original simplicity then updating will probably be inevitable.
    12. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      Its not really dying, only PC is dying, more people are switching over to mobile rather than the original version of Minecraft. As for the updates, I'm pretty biased for them since I'm used to cooldowns and I love the way the pvp system works. It just needs some work and it should be fine.
    13. Legalized

      Legalized Experienced Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Way too many of these threads now...

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