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  • Personal Rant

    Discussion in 'Rant Archive' started by ScarfaceAVP, Dec 19, 2016.

    1. ScarfaceAVP

      ScarfaceAVP Active Member

      Dec 19, 2016
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      Hey everyone,

      I decided to register to the forum tonight after being on the server for over a year because I have recently become tired with asking a mod for help and being ignored. Three times in one week, never the same person.

      Let me use these three examples of hackers.

      Example: Fighting in a PVP server, several people start making hackusations. Then, come to find out, they are true. Why? Well I can clearly see it for myself. These arent modest hacks either where one says, "well it MIGHT not be a hack," but instead its like gtfo out the pvp area and protect the gear which you've earned yourself. So whats the next step? Type /staff and see whose on. Then I go to the first available I see and say professionally, "Hey, there is a player using hacks in ArcherPVP right now, its pretty obvious and everyone is complaining. Can you check it out?"

      Always, the reply is "Okay ill be there in a sec" and it NEVER comes. Three times this has happened, three moderators all in a week. Sure, you cant stop every hacker that gets on and there are ways to prove it such as recordings and screenshots but thats not always available immediately. I shouldn't have to prepare my gaming rig every time when I want to hop on for 10 minutes of fun when I am playing on a professional server fully staffed with mods who should be readily available to help.

      I suppose "hackusations" aren't really heeded, even if they are legit. You cant even talk to these people half the time because they are too caught up in what they are doing to bother help. If a player takes the time out to stop what he is doing to seek a mod for assistance, why cant the mod do the same? Wouldn't it be foolish to seek out the help of someone you dont even know if the claim isnt legit? Rhetorical questions by the way..

      Oh, and let me say, one of these mods DID come to the server to check it out. After about 5 seconds, the mod says to me in a /msg "Hes afk" and leaves immediately.
      The person in question was talking and at the keyboard and everyone was at spawn becuse they couldnt do anything

      I still love the server regardless but after my two weeks on the forum you can count on me completing all the requirements and putting in my moderator application so I can do something about the problems and help out players who are in need, seeing as how I do so anyway just as a regular player. It's not so hard to look out for others, especially when its in the job description.

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      Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
    2. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      record the suspected hacker n report him/her instead of making this story line of your life.
    3. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      If you plan to apply for mod then posting stuff like this is not going to help you, I hope you realise that you are not the only person on the server that we have to help.

      You don't have to set up a gaming rig to play minecraft, I play on a £50 HP laptop I bought 2 years ago and it does just fine, and regardless to whether or not a moderator were to help you or not you would still be setting this up to play minecraft anyway ...

      As for this, aimed at me BTW, I was about to leave the house when you called for me. I could have just left immediately and not said anything to you, I didn't I came over to see if I could help out quickly, The person was just standing there and I was not about to miss my bus in the hope that he might start hacking infront of me.


      - Moderators have lives too ...
      - You aren't the only one on the server
      - Doesn't take a gaming rig to play minecraft
      - If there is a hacker then you can report them ... It's not as if you are not old enough to have a you tube account and upload hackers yourself, in fact this would put you in good stead for applying to become a moderator yourself.
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    4. ScarfaceAVP

      ScarfaceAVP Active Member

      Dec 19, 2016
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      Now that, Kinsey_Kid, is filled with useful things which I can use to help improve my standing within the community. Thank you for the good advice, too, on the do's and dont's - dually noted.

      As for calling me out, which I did not do to you, I cant say I disagree with everything you stated. Let me make it clear though, I dont do it for Myself when I ask a mod for help and by no means do I think I am more important than any other player. I take the time out of my playing to improve the community and I did so tonight because multiple people were on and multiple people were complaining about someone I've encountered before. I did what was within my power at that moment, which was seek someone out who could do something.

      As far as my chances at becoming a mod go, I dont think this is detrimental. Im speaking my mind as a player in the community and I am openly discussing an issue I had. If anything, at least I did express my desire to see improvement and fairness. I do, however, take heed to your advice for the future so thanks for the reply.

      I should also thank you for actually showing up when you didn't have to. I was upset at the time at what had happened.
      Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
    5. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
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      If you're going to apply, I wouldn't start out by making a thread complaining about the staff team. We really do put a lot of effort into assisting players, banning hackers, etc...

      Good descision to make a forums account. We are always available to be messaged on here if you need assistance. It's much easier to assist players with issues via forum conversation rather than when we're in game being spammed by other players.

      An important note you should make:
      We cannot simply always be there when someone messages us "there's a hacker tp" and not only because we're most likely being messaged by 5 other players at the same time asking us for help, but hackers are something players are completely capable of recording and reporting themselves. We are going to prioritize more important issues rather than always coming on command.

      I personally if messaged on (for example) skywars: "come to kitpvp, there's a hacker" will not come as I'm most likely helping someone else or doing something on skywars. But, if I'm already on the game mode, I try to come and spot hackers when someone asks me to if i'm not already doing something else. A lot of times though it's false accusations which is a waste of time.

      Basically, my point is, it's hard to assist so many players at once. That is why we don't always come on command when someone asks us to spot a hacker.
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    6. ScarfaceAVP

      ScarfaceAVP Active Member

      Dec 19, 2016
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      I understand the work-load you can deal with. I may be mistaken in my original post. It has gotten quite frustrating in the past week though when I have waited for someoen who told me they would be there to not show up (and not for hackers but other issues). I do ask the moderators as I said

      I've gotten more involved in server now than I was a year ago, so if I seem as if I am coming off as judgemental, I am referring to my experience with the past week. I've played for a while and have had hardly any issues with staff or the server, its only these recent events which caused me to go over-the-top.

      Maybe I should get some recording software for when I play.

      Thanks for the reply, however, Clxrity
    7. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
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      No worries, I can understand the frustration players may have when they need help and we aren't there to do so.

      And, yes, I definitely recommend a recording software. We really appreciate players making reports to clean up the hackers and such. Plus, you're going to need a way to capture evidence if you do end up applying in the future. ;)
    8. ScarfaceAVP

      ScarfaceAVP Active Member

      Dec 19, 2016
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      I made some edits to the post to take away some of the 'attacking' tone which I may have set for anyone who may read in the future.
    9. Baby

      Baby Well-Known Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      The thing is that I wouldn't recommend applying as soon as you get the requirements. Engage into the community a little bit. Do reports. Activeness is also a key trait for a mod. :)
    10. Legalized

      Legalized Experienced Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Most staff are busy in game, just record them, upload it, and report them on forums. This thread isn't needed. Why do people make everything so complicated lol.
    11. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      Looooooool @ScarfaceAVP did you even read what Kinsey_Kid said? He just burned you I'll pass some ice.

      *Passes ice*
    12. ScarfaceAVP

      ScarfaceAVP Active Member

      Dec 19, 2016
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      Depends on the perspective @DisPxtch
    13. zoestar6

      zoestar6 Experienced Member

      May 27, 2016
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      I completely agree, but... the one time people can't record is when they aren't ready to record and it's on skywars, which is why they should definitely put a spectator mode, this comment isnt to be rude I just.. wanted to note.

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