I know it might be ridiculous, but in the first few weeks in Antartica I had no idea where anything was. I had no milk for days. After studying the native language of the Walruses I learned how to communicate with others. I finally found a grocery and bought milk. I was so dehydrated that I choked on the milk carton. So yes, you can.
Same as a penguin. Lets say its negative 25 degrees there, then the square root of a penguin is 5 i. Yes. We have a new TV series on 'WOX'. It's called 'The Walrus Dead'.
Can a walrus have a gun then go on a rampage across New York killing everyone and could a walrus start a war.
Dear Mr Walrus how do i know if a walrus can swim ? and if sean is made of poop and thesteeflame is steeel and rakion508 is rakin party ?? :D
That's what happened in the 2003 incident, Walrus Kong. No idea, but further analysis and examination can help you. No. That we will not know, until the event itself. If you extinct walruses it'll happen very soon.
Dear Mr. Walrus, Is it normal to see someone crap applesauce, then strangle themselves with dental floss?
You should. Mmm, applesauce, yum. It's normal, unless they hate walrus, in which case, not normal, no, no, very abnormal.