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  • [Global] Legalize Macros

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by _Rlxtreme_, Dec 8, 2016.

    1. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      Hello everybody I am here today with yet another suggestion that has mixed reviews. While my 20 days of suggestions kinda died out with me being inactive the past few weeks due to holidays and such, I am back with another suggestion to the server. Today, we will be talking about macros.

      Now, if you do not know what macros are, well the general idea is to make short cuts on your keyboard. You say set 'P' to do a command like /home and whenever you press 'P' on your keyboard it performs the command. Simple enough right? No harm no foul? Well, not exactly.

      Macros are known for multiple things besides commands such as auto attacking, auto jumping and auto etc. With that in mind, there are a few ways to get around the auto clicks that is the main concern, however before we do I must say the positives of macros for the server.

      First off, commands! You set say 20 commands to 20 keys on your board, and bam you have 20 commands ready at your disposal, heck you could set them all up on your mouse if you have a keyboard on your mouse. As for the benefits, well you could figure most of them out.
      • Instant gamemode switch
      As said before, you could easily set it to a command and it would perform that command. Considering that statement, you could set it to say switch gamemodes on say all servers. Cool, right? Oh yeah its cool, in fact its the best idea ever for moderators. The ability to instantly switch between game modes? Not only is that a benefit for players, its a plus for mods. It not only lets them teleport to gamemodes faster, it allows them to do so whenever say a player asks for them to go to a certain game mode due to a hacker online.
      • Auto Heals
      While I will admit this is a negative rather than a plus, it is a cool feature of macros you could add. Of course, there's no easy way to find if your enemy is auto healing with macros, however it is a cool thing to do. Not only would it work for /heal, it would work for commands such as /enchant which would solve the whole /enchant all issue going on in skyblock.
      • Auto click
      I do admit, this is a bit "cheaty" but still fascinating to see a mod be able to do such command. While this is neat, its not the newest thing. If you did f12 + any action button you would auto spam that action within Minecraft itself without any mods. While its not original its handy not to hope the f12 + action works for once and doesn't exit full screen and not auto click.

      So, with that in mind, whats the problem then? Sounds like a nice way to do Minecraft right? Well, here's the thing. Macros are bannable if caught. Why is that? Well, its because of auto clicks. Auto clicks allows the player to simply fight better than the enemy player. So, in order to allow macros, we need to more or less not allow players to auto heal or auto click. Here's some solutions below.

      • Updating to 1.9+
      Yes, yes, 1.9 sucks I know it doesn't have auto click I know it sucks its the end of the world...You done? Good. Now I may speak. So, as you may well know by now, the community as a whole hates 1.9 so does the Minecraft community. Mainly because of the combat system. HOWEVER! the combat system is in fact better than the one we have now. Now, you could say, "The hit detection sucks" Well, the hit detection we have now sucks too and you got used to it, I think you can get used to the hit detection in 1.9 as well.

      "Well, I'll quit Mineverse then" Your loss. I mean, Mineverse does have the potential; to become the top server again if we did update. We'd be the first server to do so and adapt to Mojang's updating. We'd also have all the new decorative blocks such as dirt paths (which came from Minecraft mobile that 1.8 does not have), Purpur blocks, Bone blocks, Magma blocks (Sick design by the way), portable chests (that you can have more than one in your inventory), and so many mobs versus 1.8.

      Now, you could argue its worse, you could argue its even worse than 1.7, however for the better of Macros and against auto click hacks in general, it would be best to update to 1.9 as a server. Yeah, we lose most of the old people who hoped we went to 1.7, but they don't represent the community as whole which is suffering from not being up to date with the updates.

      Yes, you could say, "Well, the plugins wouldn't work" well, optifine updated to 1.11 and I imagine the rest of the mods/plugins are working on it as well. I also imagine our *cough* developers could develop plugins as well, yes it could take time but it would be worth it in the end.

      So, in conclusion, it would not only give us more mobs, more blocks to work with in all the gamemodes, it would allow us to have macros with the auto click not being a thing with the 1.9 combat update.

      • Removing /heal
      Wait! don't kill me yet, hear me out. So, as you might know, the EULA was enforced quite some time ago along with some odd changes to the rules. Some of those rules to the EULA was that you more or less could not sell anything that gave a player an advantage over others in-game item wise which counted as commands. So, in a sense we can't have /heal for ranks that we sell, nor can we have kits but that's a different suggestion for another time.

      As for /heal, just take away. It not only gives ranks a better advantage, its a full heal. It ruins the chances for players to get a edge when the ranked player loses armor for a moment of time during battle. Them taking time to switch helmets before said armor breaks gives the regular player a chance to do more damage before the ranked player switches. Of course the ranked player could just /heal and switch which would take away that advantage the unranked player has.

      Its unfair and just outright unreasonable for the regular player base that we have. The unranked players need a fair chance to win battles against ranked players. Giving the ranked players /heal not only breaks the EULA but gives them a unfair advantage.

      So, in conclusion in order for macros to even be considered legal, we need to take out the ability of players using macros for unfair advantages such as /heal and autoclick. Of course that would mean /heal would be removed and the server would require the 1.9 combat update to get rid of auto clicks in general.

      What do you think? Do you support the suggestion or not? Let me know if you do or not or have any better ideas for macros to be legalized in the comments below. Thanks for reading.
      Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
    2. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      No support.
    3. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      ehhh.. I did mention that people can quickly hop onto another gamemode as soon as they get out of combat tag. This would be frustrating for people who have almost killed someone but they could run fast enough.

    4. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      No offense, but is there a reason?
      True, however its not exactly combat logging if you get out of combat. Of course you could just use bow and arrow tricks to get ahead of that play and if your aim is good, you could knock them into combat and they would be combat logged. Simple solution for that.
    5. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      No Support.
      1. Insta-Heal in battle
      2. PvP Logging
    6. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      There are good things that you mentioned about macros, but I find it too OP and advantageous. For example:
      Mining at OpPrison and pressing a button to warp back straightaway.

      too OP IMO.
    7. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      So...you didn't read the thread is what I'm getting at...Figured people would ignore this thread.
      Yet you can do that already? f12 + action like I said its a thing that's here and people can do it anyway without mods that have macros. I mean ya know, /fly and .god are OP in skyblock but no one is gonna consider that a thing. OF course there would need to be cooldowns on /warps within servers but gamemode switching would be the only thing without a cooldown to fix this issue I suppose....
    8. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      Eh, you can easily hide macros.. don't really feel like we need this. Good suggestion and call but it's a no from mei.
    9. Accepted

      Accepted Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      How do you know people aren't doing that already? How would you tell the difference between macros and a fast typer/copy-paster. Instead of mods having to do more from reports (and the appeals that come with it because of a good keyboard etc.) just make it legal.
      Thats the solution to pvp servers. Even if they couldn't type fast, someone could have a friend next to them/on skype to tell them to heal them.
    10. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      Well I mean, if everyone was just hiding macros, why made it illegal? Ya know what I'm saying?
      Thanks for the support.
    11. MoosePMC

      MoosePMC Active Member

      Mar 6, 2015
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      No support, as you say 1.9 is "better" but people that are dedicated to pvping would say otherwise. The new hit registration is terrible and people with actual skill won't even have to try. This would make pvp easier for everyone and no one would have to improve it would just be you aiming at the person not even the click. /heal is a bit overpowered but it can help anyone in different situations. No one has had problems with it therefore if you don't want to buy a high rank that's your problem.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    12. Baby

      Baby Well-Known Member

      Jan 27, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support.
    13. Diggy

      Diggy Island Boy Premium

      Nov 9, 2013
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      Neutral from me.
    14. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
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      No lmao. 1.9 will not solve autoclicking at all, plus it's a different type of macro compared to others. Macros give a advantage over other players so we both know they're going to stay bannable.
    15. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      The hit detection we had on the server awhile back and maybe still have was a bit terrible too and people complained about it. Eventually they got used to it. I'd imagine people wold eventually get used to 1.9 combat system as well. 1.9 and above have so many more possibilities pvp wise and build wise.

      As for heal, I don't see it being helpful in most pvp situations rather than to cheat out a defeat. I mean you go against the same geared player that doesn't have god and you could sit there with your inventory full of armor and heal away when you got low. Eventually it would come down to whoever could last the longest and its usually the player with the /heal. I also see /heal aas a problem being that is is against the EULA and since we care so much about the EULA to make the new Kitpvp EULA friendly, I suggest we start considering removing perks such as /heal as starts for abiding the EULA.

      Now, let's talk about auto click for a moment. What is auto click? The ability to automatically click or rather attack your enemy in this case. Now, as for 1.9, it would solve the pvp situation quite nicely. With the attacks having cooldowns, you can't just sit there and auto spam your enemy or else you would lose very quickly. In fact, its best to think about your attacks and how you do combos such as Attack then shield then attack and so on.

      While it wouldn't solve auto jumping which is easily bannable, it would stop the auto attack issue we have. Yes, auto mining would be a thing, but its already a thing within Minecraft as I said f12 + action is the way to auto click without mods.
    16. Xethorias

      Xethorias Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      I was able to beat many titans with /heal and I am only VIP. Its about skill, the more you have the better you are.
    17. MoosePMC

      MoosePMC Active Member

      Mar 6, 2015
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      No why downgrade to 1.9 which has worse pvp and not stay on 1.8 which is decent for pvp

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    18. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
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      Vape has a timed auto clicker for the new update lmao, 1.9 will kill pvp.
    19. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      I personally feel that having a macro key set for /heal would be extremely unfair on those who don't.

      For instance, on OP PvP, I could fight someone, break their helmet and then /heal them. That removes there gapple effect and enables me to kill them with ease.

      I can't support this unless things are changed.
    20. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      So...I believe you missed the part about the /heal being removed from MV. If you did, please read that and reply back to what you think about that suggestion.
      Then we do not allow the Vape mod, simple enough.
      Now, what evidence do you have to say 1.9 combat is worse than 1.8? While I won't say 1.9 is better in a sense it is in how it works, I couldn't say its worse or better due to no evidence being shown that I know of.
      Of course, but in general /heal gives Gods and Titans a advantage to regular players.

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