I understand your point, but ask yourself this. Is chiseled stone available to everyone? Yes. Can anyone farm cookies? Yes. With the above being true, anyone is capable of making that 7k per inventory. If everyone is capable of making that, where is the harm? Inflated economy? Maybe, but inevitably things have a way of settling out. With spawners costing 200-500k, there will always be things for people to spend money on, that will inevitably help take some out (especially is /bal tops at 999k, players will spend just to make more). I would also argue that in some ways, an inflated economy can be helpful to newer players. By making it easier for new players to get some money to spend in /shop, it actually encourages them and gives them motivation to keep playing. I guess with things being where they are (with Cyp already turning down values on multiple items) the opportunity is there for anyone to still make as much money as those on /baltop. The key is time and desire. I for example last night, forwent making money in order to build some fun new builds on my island. That was a choice that meant my island was more appealing/functional, but at the cost of making money. Players make a choice in what they spend their time on. If they wish to make money? There is options for it and nothing stopping them. If they don't care about money and want to build? Great! Go for it it, as again, nothing is stopping anyone. The idea of /bal reset is essentially trying to reset the economy without actually resetting it. I mean I can log on tonight and buy a full inventory of diamonds to hold as "hard currency" and let baltop reset, then just go again. With nothing being gained, or minimal gain versus the loss of massive amounts of hardwork by everyone on the server, the cons seem to massively outweigh any pros. NOTE: I appreciate the back and forth on this and am trying not to "be a jerk" but I know I do feel very strongly on this based on the amount of work and money applied to get where I am, so any jerkiness I apologize for. Cheers, Melgrath
Erm I disagree :P Sure money is much easier than old skyblock... But so are buy prices... If you want to buy a 300k spawner, it will take over a week of grinding stone to afford it, just like it would take a week of afking mob farms on the old skyblock to afford a 30k spawner from someone. And this morning, I got someone to 1 mil on this skyblock to see if there was a balcap, and nope (Or at least, theres no balcap at 1m). So having lots of money isn't a problem :P And sure, stone might be great but when people start having a dozen sheep spawners, they will make double the money they can make from stone in the same amount of time... those are the prices that should be lowered. I mean, I think it's pretty reasonable that after 2 weeks, the people who grinded the most on the entire server can afford like 2 spawners from the shop :P Bal reset will kill the server... Ask anyone from oppvp or kitpvp, bals reset all the time on there lmao c:
One step ahead of you, mel c: I made a post about solutions regarding island farming a couple days ago :D I'm Oyy by the way :3 hehe http://www.mineverse.com/threads/just-ban-us-all-in-case-we-might-island-farm-why-dont-you.111882/
Supported. Saw some kid last night bragging about having farmed literally hundreds of islands. Was selling entire inventories of buckets and dirt...
I suppose that's true. I'll probably be rewriting this in a few hours. Kinda busy with everything at the moment.