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  • Skyblock [1/20] Skyblock Reset + Fix

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by _Rlxtreme_, Dec 1, 2016.

    1. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      Hello everyboday! Today is the first day of 20 days of Suggestions by yours truly and I am excited today to begin the series of suggestions coming your way. So, I thought to myself, "What better than make everyone mad at me for suggesting another reset on Skyblock? Muhahahaha...." Anyway, let's get right into the suggestion.

      Skyblock Reset​
      As many of you know, Skyblock got reset about two weeks ago (Maybe three). Along with the reset, a few features were added. Ma J arena and /shop were added to Skyblock that I don't recall being there before. Now, while we say /shop was perfect, it wasn't. The prices were too high for such simple things as chiseled stone brick that you can make easily. So, as a result, people abused the crap out of /shop and several of them today are on /baltop (a few exceptions) for grinding resources and using the prices on /shop to be rich. So, why the heck should we reset again? Well, let me explain my fellow not so smart friend.

      - Prices
      Nearly a week in after Skyblock had been reset and nearly everyone was abusing the prices in shop until Cypriot had to take some down. From what I recall, Cypriot took away cookies and Wheat bales due to the high prices he set. So, no big deal right? Just reset the prices-No! Wrong, bad! That is not good for the economy of the game mode. That not only brings down the value of money, it drops the worth of everything. But, that's not the big problem, he forgot to get rid of chiseled stone brick as well. As you know, prices for cobble and stone are seen below:
      (Sell prices)
      Cobblestone: 1.25$ (A piece)
      Stone: 1.8$ (A piece)
      Stone Brick: 1.8$ (A piece)
      Chiseled Stone Brick: 3.25$ (A piece)
      Cracked Stone Brick: 3$ (A piece)
      Mossy Stone Brick: 3.5$ (A peice)
      Now, if you remember crafting recipes correctly, all it takes to make a full inventory of Chiseled Stone Brick is a full inventory of Stone (Which comes by pretty easily with Stone generators). So, essentially you could either sell Stone for 1.8$ or turn that same stone into double the price for the same amount of materials (Chiseled Stone brick). You could also turn it into Mossy Stone brick, but that requires vines as well which aren't that hard to come by with a enchanted axe.

      Why is this so important? Well, it helped big players get rich quick. Along with the farming of cookies and wheat, they farmed stone and turned it into a quick 7k every 10-15 mins (Depending on how fast you mine stone). You do the math and you realize, people are making a lot off of something so simple to make (It takes a few lava sources which are easy to come by these days).

      - Ma J
      Now, while I love Ma J with all my heart, it needs to be fixed. Not only does it become repetitive over time, it was abused by donors as well. If you recall, Titans have /god and /vanish in Skyblock along with /fly. During the early days of Ma J Titans were allowed to use /god in Ma J. Through a bit of bugging you can still use /vanish from what I remember, but they did patch the /god issue.

      So, what should be fixed with Skyblock?
      -Prices Revamped
      -Balances Reset
      -More features to Ma J
      These three things should be added to Skyblock for a few reasons. Not only because people abused the prices in the past, but now we have people with thousands of dollars from prices that have been fixed. However, some prices such as Chiseled Stone Brick still remain and let people abuse those prices as well to get max dollar in farming. While I do believe the prices need to be fixed, balances need to reset as well to start off fresh and new. Not only to get rid of the money that resulted from farming cookies, wheat, or stone, but so everyone has a fair chance now and not just the donors who found the prices being so high first.

      Finally, Ma J needs more features so people would be interested in reaching high levels in Ma J. Add more diversity to the levels. Don't just repeat the same thing every round. Also, give a bit of a goal for people, say after so many rounds you get so and so resources and increase it over time. So, players will actually want to go far out for Ma J. Give them something to be excited about besides the same old, blazes, 1 hit bosses and the annoying skeleton every round.

      So, in conclusion, Skyblock as a whole shouldn't be reset, rather the balances should be. Due to so many abusers of the prices on /shop it would only seem fair for those who joined after the prices were decreased to be given a equal chance of top of the balances. Also, just for the touch of quality, Ma J needs some updating to encourage people to go all out in the arena and be rewarded for their skills.

      If you like the suggestion hit that support button, if not or you have a suggestion to add to the thread, comment below. Thanks for reading.
    2. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
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      No support, people paid irl cash for rankups with that ingame cash.
    3. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      I never said ranks need to be reset, I simply said the balances need to be reset. Please make sure to read the whole thing next time to fully understand it.
    4. loadist

      loadist Well-Known Member

      Jan 28, 2015
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      oh dauuuuumm he go you there @Benko
    5. loadist

      loadist Well-Known Member

      Jan 28, 2015
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      I also support, everyone is supper rich/OP.
    6. Grayman

      Grayman Experienced Member

      Mar 18, 2016
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    7. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      Yeah. Lots of people have been unfairly farming money due to shop glitches and changes. Mods are not an exception. This suggestion is going to get a lot of hate ('all my hard work gone') but i'll put my opinion here: I support, as long as it's just balances and not items.
    8. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      Thanks for the support and yes it is only balances and its everyone mainly because we don't know how far people farmed the prices or who did. It would only be fair to reset everyone's balances to start fresh with a better set of prices on /shop.
    9. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
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      People paid others ingame cash for the ranks. People would lose the money they paid for.
    10. WinterWaffles

      WinterWaffles Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      I support the /vanish bug, I didn't realise I was in v and wondered why nobody was healing me :D
    11. Squire

      Squire Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      Full support! Great suggestion
    12. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      Well its not their fault those players that gave them the money grinded said money. It would be better for those in the future and the economy all together to just restart the balance and re-do the prices in /shop. Therefore, those people who grinded would have to grind more for the better prices we would have.
      Thanks for the support.
    13. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      Won't work, someone could just be farming and transferring it to items straight away or just not selling their stone.

      @The Real Xtreme I personally paid someone 275k to upgrade my alt from mvp to supreme, how do you think they are going to feel?

      What about all those people who got keys over black Friday and sold their stuff?

      I don't see either of you near to top of the baltop list and I guess that is why you think everyone should have their bal's reset.

      Although I don't have much anymore I still value my 100k.

      Examples of when glitches hadn't been patched for a while, people still have money and the server turned out fine
      - kitpvp2 the pv dupe glitch, kitpvp2 is still a very big server.
      - op pvp the pv dupe glitch, Op pvp is still huge.
      - Skyblock, the challenge bug, the server for a very long time after the glitch was still thriving, this continued until a pair of key figure's created their own server and poached a large quantity of the players.
      - Survival, Blaze rod prices, it's only now after its been patched that survival's player Base is diminishing.

      As for the /v bug in mob arena, tbh it doesn't actually make much of a difference, mobs still target and hit you whether or not you are in /v or not, it actually only disadvantages the titan as they cannot be seen by peoplegal to heal them, but tbh it's their fault for being in /v anyway.

      More features for mob arena, instead of being vague perhaps give some actual ideas for the rounds. As for rewards, if I'm right there is a chance to get a diamond the further through you go, I'm pretty sure it was Cypriot himself who said this.

      As for patching the shop, there wI'll always be a method of making money that is better than all of the others, whether that is cookies, chiseled bricks, mossy cobble, stew, mushrooms, logs, wool, gunpowder, stone, villagers, meat or any of the other methods I don't know about. If you remove every 'good' money making method from the store then we will just be left with one method.

      If the balances are reset again then those who put the effort in will just climb to the top again.

      Someone will always be at the top, if it's not you then don't complain and ask for it to be reset.

      Also you say that these bugs in shop were being abused but my question is, did you report them? I know who reported the cookies glitch ... ME!

      That statement would be true if no one had invested any time into the server, and I don't think you are in the position to make a statement like that considering you haven't donated for anything.

      Finally just to emphasise my point, how much money do you have @The Real Xtreme

      Anyway no support.
    14. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      Well, if you recall being online a few days ago, I was the 2nd richest person on /baltop besides Uncleurnesto (I have screenshots if you doubt me) until Cypriot gave himself 800k. I then gave all mine away to Cheeseheaven who is now 2nd. Personally I hated doing what everyone else was doing, which was selling stone for double the price for the same amount of material. While I knew people abused, I didn't have evidence, heck you yourself decided to grind (possibly with another alt as well, who knows). I was sick and tired of grinding plus i felt bad for cheese being scammed 100k for a rank.

      As for those who have paid and grinded during black Friday, they keep the keys, they keep items. If I recall, most items from keys are not money and as I said before, this isn't a full reset, its a balance reset. As for those who are now rich, well too bad you used prices that were temporarily to get your riches and to be fair you deserve to lose it and start over like everyone else.

      For those who paid say 100k-400k for ranks, well someone had to get that 400k somewhere, its not fair for those who just joined or are going to join to have to grind harder than those that started when the prices were high now is it? No. Its not fair and none of those times when people's items were reset due to duped glitches, or balances due to bugs weren't reset and it wasn't fair for the future players coming online.

      As for Ma J, I understand that diamond might be rewarded for high rounds, but do we know that for sure? Why not say make a board or put something on the forums describing the reward system and how many rounds you need to get so many resources.

      As for the variety of mobs in mob arena, maybe implement say all the mobs into the mob arena and not just 7 or 8. Or even add custom mobs similar to the boss who is broken from what I remember.
    15. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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    16. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
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      It's not going to happen let's be honest
    17. Ordi

      Ordi Mythical Member Premium

      Apr 23, 2014
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      Neutral, all towards Kinsey' statement.
    18. melgrath

      melgrath Experienced Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      No Support. Emphatic No Support.

      I spent $100 on keys throughout the Black Friday event. For those keeping track, that is 40 keys that resulted in roughly 20 diamond items. Each of those diamond items sold for 8-11k per. That means roughly 200k of my money was a direct attribute of those legendary keys. Add in another 50k for selling a Zerker key and 75k from a pig spawner and over 325k of my money was directly tied to keys.

      Unless Cyp/Crew wanted to refund every single player who bought legendary keys, I cannot no support this hard enough. My money was not gained through shop glitches, or AFK farming, or any such thing. My money was grinded out with a combination of savy investments on /AH plus the keys mentioned above.

      I have gathered at least 150k from cookies in their current state and not before. Grinding cookies is possible for any player and allows for at least 5-10k per day if you choose to invest in that route. Just because there may be a few people left on /baltop who abused, doesn't mean the entire server should be punished for it.

      If you want to get at people abusing the system, maybe talk about the mass amount of island farming that is going on? You don't touch on island farming anywhere in your post which is one of the biggest issues with Skyblock right now as people are selling inventories of lava buckets and dirt. A /bal reset doesn't touch on that issue in any capacity, but people profit hugely from dirt blocks at $30-50 per and each island reset giving 50+ dirt blocks.

      Lastly, what about the abusers who used money for other things? People who bought bunches of diamonds or tools, etc so that even if /bal got reset they still have the items and sell diamond picks for example and VOILA! are right back at where they are. I apologize if this post comes off very strongly worded, but a /bal reset does not resolve any of the early economy struggles of skyblock as it completely misses many of those you rail against as abusers.

    19. Baby

      Baby Well-Known Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      No support.
    20. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      I completely understand as well, mine like many other islands was hard worked and all that, which is why I didn't want a full reset. I never did because of those who truly worked hard enough for their islands. Of course I would have preferred to talk about island farming, but sadly that's a issue that contradicts with my suggestion of /bal reset only.

      To solve the issue we must ask ourselves, we do ever get repayed by the staf for scams when we clearing paid the price? No. Do we get paid when our balances or items get reset on "accident"? No. Then why should we say give back those that spent money for in-game items? To be fair we shouldn't. However, if we did have some kind of reconstitution to those who have clear evidence of purchases of important deals, say in the thousands we could return the balances to those that traded before the reset.

      As for those who have in-game items such as diamonds, well the only solution to that would be a hard reset of the game mode and that's not really a possibility in the near future. Of course my idea has some flaws and all that, but I believe reseting the balances, possibly giving those back that did say donor rank trades or diamond trades, or etc. back their balances along with fixing the /shop prices such as Chiseled stone would help the economy of the game mode. Not only would the value of say chiseled stone go down back to the value of stone, but we would have more than one option for maximum farming. For if everything is int he 3-4k range in farming instead of one item being in the 7k for an inventory, we are giving more than option to maximize the farming capability.

      Will it get rid of the problem? No, but it stops it from being farmed as much as it is now. If we stop the problem at the moment, we lessen the amount of in-game items that would be farmed before it was removed, thereby lessening the amount of items you could sell after the balance resets. Of course people would have somewhat of a fair chance and those who farmed their items would have an advantage, but at least they would have to grind the rest of their money in a more legitimate way rather than using some high priced item.

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