How old are you? I am 13 years old but many people tell me I am very mature for my age. Your in-game name: My In Game Name is canucksfan44. What timezone are you in? My timezone pacific. What country do you live in? The country I live in is Canada. What languages do you speak? I speak english and alittle bit of punjabi Why do you think you should become a mod? I should be a moderator because I am very Respectful I always try to help everyone out and answer all their questions in a polite way. I never jump to conclusions in a situation, I have gotten along with many players and I get along with the community! I would never use caps to talk to someone. I am Responsible. I would never ban someone without permission (unless they are greifing), I would give them a warning kick before getting in to the ban situation. I always give the player a warning of what they have done wrong before kicking them or tempbanning them if they do not stop. If anything happends when I am online to the gamemode that I am on...and I did not do anything I will take full responsibility for what happend because it was my duty to stop the player of doing what was wrong. I am Patient. I never rush in any situation, I always take my time and solve the problem nice and calmly. When ever there are spammers I do not jump to conclusions and kick them, I give them a warning (like i said before) I am Kind. I would always respect the players and have fun on the server, make conversations with the players, and sometimes even pvp with the players 1v1, I like to have fun (but when I am on duty I will be serious), I like to joke around with players too. I am also very Helpful. One of my favorite things ot do in MC and irl is help people. I love to help players, like telling them how to create a thread to report someone or what the link is to the forums or even giving tips to people on their thread. I would love to increase that by being mod and solving their problems too. The last thing is To help players. MANY times I have been playing gamemodes and seen people asking for a mod so I ask them what they needed but they would say they needed a mod to do it, so I feel usless to help them because I want to help but I cannot do anything about it. So if I am mod I would be able to help everyone and not be able to think I can't do anything to help them. How long can you be active on the server everyday? It all depends of my school and amount of homework I have but I would say 3-7 Hours a day. (I am sorry if this will effect my application but my studies come first) How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing on mineverse for about an estimate of 1 year now. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Well I do have past experience as being an admin and an Co-Owner but not a moderator..But I am very sure I am capable of being a moderator for Mineverse! Thank you for reading my application and please comment if I had any spelling errors
Well, since you asked for me to point out your spelling mistakes, here they are. Helpfull - Helpful Patiant - Patient Respectfull - Respectful ammount - amount Those were all I noticed. Anyway, I've played with you in game, and you are very mature for 13. I support, good luck!
LOL cade is a guy xD Anyways, nice app, I would probably make the questions a bit bigger and bold? (that's if you want) All I can say is support, good luck! ;)
Thank you..I go to every gamemode just to keep track of things and players,what gamemode do you play?