A lot of people find you annoying, which is a valid argument but you aren't any different from a lot of ppl on here so idk the issue. You try really hard to be funny and it's annoying as hell. And you should prob keep your nose out of s#&$ that isn't your business. We use to be rlly close despite our disagreements, and you don't think I'm a complete baby eating reincarnation of Hitler. Given you actually have a reason to say things are wrong with me due to our fights in the past I give you more credibility than a lot of ppl. Never really talked to you, but you do seem really nice enough and I would have no qualms if you wanted to converse with me. You seem willing to use logic at times, yet you still accept rumors and untrue facts which gets annoying. Not enough room on here to give you a tbh All disses aside, you come across as very ignorant and uneducated. Prove me wrong and I may consider a friendship. You come off as trying too hard imo. Idek who you are, sadly. I actually appreciate our friendship a lot. You're a great person.
Ignorant? I promised Auzzi I'd give you a chance to prove you've changed so I'm going to keep my promise to her and not argue with you.
Idfk you asked me to roast you Ik nothing about you tbh except I prob need to accept you on Instagram. Idk u
can't wait (something besides that I believe "untrue rumors" even though screenshots prove otherwise)
First of all, the irony here is just too much This isn't very honest considering you can't really prove that I'm arrogant or full of myself. Does that make everyone who dislikes you arrogant and full of themselves?