Apparently the trend for the TBH threads are clickbait titles... so yeah here it is.. So TBH thread along with AMA [Ask me anything] and I'll answer either in text or with a voice thingy. idk why my voice is so loud n weird in this voice sucks sorry v loud n staticy idk why I HATE MY VOICE WITH THESE HEADPHONES LMAOOO I'm not to sure about you, I haven't talked to you so therefore I cannot give a valid tbh. Sorryyyy ALSO IDK IT'S SO WEIRD THO I like your comments on our convos on everyones walls, you're pretty funny... also ye fam, it's paradise... [The cover picture on my profile is the view from my weekend restaurant, the most expensive in the island ;)] YOU ASKED IF YOU COULD ASK ME A SERIOUS QUESTION BUT THEN YOU DIDN'T WHY WHY WHY apart from that you're pretty cool and funny... Marshmello is lit af boiiiii You're pretty cool, I've seen you around but never really talked you to you before... We should hang. When a man and a woman love each other veryyy much, they lay down together and make the bed move and boom a baby is on the way. well sometimes at least... Trap Queen ^ I CANNOT SING WHY YOU DIS also I mixed up so many lyrics rip me also I kinda did something stupid and injured my teeth so some words came out weird EDIT: Better version ^ sung it 5 times rip me