Thank you! How about the colors that reborn chose? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Although I'm sticking with what reborn suggested because the majority of the people liked it. Thank you! Do you support with what reborn suggested? Thank you! Thank you! The color reborn chose is sorta similiar to what the color for the forums is.. Thank you! It'd make players have a easier time getting help.
so you won't support because it doesn't matter? Swift, look at the thread. Staff, even Dyna, wants the tags to be changed.
opinion bruh. This isn't even your suggestion. why the hell do the colors of ranks matter when there are many more important issues to be dealt with.
It's partially mine if @Obsolescent added my idea in. Actually, the suggestion is half mine technically. And nobody never said the colour of the ranks was a bigger priority than other issues. This can be implemented after, or if not, it can just be implemented now. It's not hard.
I really don't care about the in game tags, but please change the forums tag color. Mods look like the moderators of a Barbie website with these hot pink tags
No support, I actually prefer the cyan, though I think a shorter prefix would be nice again. And what Valor said, maybe cyan for our forum names as well. It's all preference, though edit: The same color for sr and head mods looks good to me as well ;p