Terrible person. Do you suffer from an identity issue? Or multiple personality disorder? Because sometimes you act formal, sometimes you act like you're a ''ganster'', and sometimes you're just an annoying 12 year old. Really you should seek some help. You're an old friend. It's always fun to have you around. You should hop on Survival sometimes. Good to have the old crew back together. thx4support. Really don't know a whole lot about you. Guess congrats to being a mature 11 year old? You're a fun guy. Sometimes you overreact to certain things, but it's all fun in the end. You never really involved yourself in any big dramatic scenario on Mineverse. So das gud. Overal you're a fun, chill guy. Just need to communicate a bit more. daswheieyedidtwit. You're my second favorite Canadian. Start texting me again or something. Because you're nice, a bit nuts, but nice! I... don't know who you are? Eh, you seem chill. Think we started off on the wrong foot. You're not afraid to share your opinion, which is something I can respect.
Don't really know you. Be less strict? You don't really seem ''fun'' from my perspective. Always good to have you around. Great pal. You should message me your Skype. Sorry, I don't really know you? Erm.. hi? A great friend. Overal very mature, friendly, etc etc etc. You are a peasant for not inviting me to party with you. Great friend, brotha, and whatever. Log on sometime. Would be fun to have you around again. Also your Alienware laptop sucks. ====== I'll do the rest later.