these are so lame. love you all though Spoiler hii billy. i've know you for ages and you're so smart and i'm glad i got to be a mod w/ you : )) Spoiler we talked like once on ts and it was fun, other than that I've heard lots of rumors about you but idk how true they are so yeah. you're cool Spoiler barely know who you are ;c we should play together sometime :,,) Spoiler you can be toxic. don't know you that well tho Spoiler you're a potato. jk love you bae <3 Spoiler from what i've seen you can be toxic. don't really know you though Spoiler ily Spoiler don't really know you, Spoiler you're so sweet and good at infect, we don't talk much tho ;c Spoiler we talked like twice on ts w/ kyle and i couldn't stop laughing Spoiler you dont know me but i remember when you were applying for mod and i was so annoyed because you were a mini-mod lmao. you're p cool, dont really know you though Spoiler you're so lovely and funny and i'm glad to be your friend Spoiler barely see you because of these darned timezones but you're sweet and I'm glad i get to be mod w/ you ( : Spoiler you're a lot of fun on ts and best of luck on mod, you're v determined Spoiler dont really know you, sorry :c Spoiler ew. jk you're the best. thank you for everythinggg <3 love you. Spoiler you're nice, do lots of reports(which i love lmao), dont know you that well tho Spoiler dont know you : ( Spoiler i remember you were a mod like 34923482 years ago and yeah i barely know you *sad* Spoiler we've never talked but you're sweet and probably going to get promoted soon tbh Spoiler you're really salty lol. but i guess we're friends? xd
H I will be on tomarrow, what gamemodes do you mostly play on? btw nice meeting you in-game today (Ign: Dkfirebird)