we became good friends fast and i'm glad we did, you're really chill, funny, and always eat your cornflakes like a good boy ;). we probably have the most weirdest convo's but they're lit. Wanna FlickMyBean? I remember you as a noob ingame, didn't know who you were at first, but then i realised you're pretty cool. We should ts sometime :D Dad, i'll roast you like a roast chicken. Known you for about 3 years or more, we've been good friends. Fun to play with, we should talk more tho no this is a xPoSe thread!! I remember you as a lil factions noob, didn't expect you to get mod tbh, but since you've been promoted you have done a great job as moderator, keep up the great work daD!!! you're really cool , we should talk more. ps wanna se mi turtel!! You used to annoy me a lot, since you begged me for my feather, but you are ok i guess. not got anything against you, so why not be friends don't know you much, but i know that you were a lit mod back in the day You annoy me don't know you much but you seem cool, we should talk more :D hey loser! JOKING you're a really cool person countrygirl_ , and a really great friend, i trust you, you're funny, friendly and just reALLY KEWL You used to be cool then you annoyed me, but now we're cool again i think. we should talk more tho ) honestly you're a pretty cool person, and didn't expect to be friends with you due to the point that you're way cooler than me. glad we're friends and would love to talk more at first i thought you hated me, and never expected to trust you on factions, but i was wrong. You're a really cool person/friend who is pro at redstone, especially traps ;)
I didn't hate you, I thought you were another salty kid on mc, so I avoided you ;). Rip first impressions and judging I'm not a pro at redstone, I just know how to wire things to one another. I can't even build an autobrewer lol
LOL, when I asked you for the feather I was really bored although I have 4 feathers and more stuff worth feathers