No... Just no. Firstly, there's already enough pay2play "donation" ranks on Mineverse. Why add yet another? Secondly, your suggestion makes barely any sense.
No support. No detail Pricy asf OP kits The server needs a new rank but not this. . . Maybe get some more experience with the server before posting this sorry. No one will buy this and people will accidentally buy it and tell Mojang and plan a lawsuit and Mojang with put mine verse on a server black list. Bad idea this has happened to other servers with pricy ranks.
Basically what @Alex said. I can't really understand what your saying. In the beginning you said "Hello Staff...", suggestions are for the whole community, not just for staff. You literally have no periods in your suggestion which makes it hard for anyone to know when your talking about a knew subject etc. No support.
No Support -The rank is way too expensive -We have never implemented a random pick to get a rank for voting -From Elite and up is mostly rankings class. Unless you can think of something else than Exotic that stands higher than Titan, I might change my mind. -More detail I wish you good luck in any possible way!