Hello, my name is Cartilage. Some of you probably know me by BeastPvP_, Cartilage, and my current ign is Insolation. I would like to make this thread about infection. So, as you all know infection went from biased from humans now it's biased to zombies. Here's just a few suggestions for infection to make it more balanced out for players. Suggestions Change the bows from zombies to power 10 not sharp 20 Decrease egg damage Give zombies regular 5 golden apples instead of a god apple at p10 Make a rule on egg spam allowing 2 eggs per game instead of unlimited Give better rofls for humans Add new maps that people submit on forums Make bows unlimited shooting if sharp 20 is removed Fix the boosting spots on nuketown and fix winterThose are my suggestions for infection hope these can look to be added one day I really hope the egg spam rule gets added it would be a good addition to infection and a lot more people would play infection. -Cartilage
I don't like bows at all lol so I agree there, I think eggs are fine they should just be harder to get that's all they're way too common like maybe a bigger cooldown and allow P5 and over to have them.
First of all, thanks for the feedback. Second, I like the suggestion on the egg cool down it's pretty nice suggestion. Also, p5 and up already have eggs. All prestiges above 5 get eggs. Thanks for the feedback -Cartilage
What do you mean by "No thanks?" Can you please elaborate that for me. I just want to know what you mean by that statement.
Is there a reason why you are against it? It's not a case if "I agree or I don't agree" when you disagree, can you share why you disagree?
Neutral I agree with everything besides the bow. Also, I think a cool down would be better for the egg instead of only being able to use it twice. Anyway, as for the bow, power 10 can become very op if zombies have unlimited arrows. Because they could just spam the human and kill them. I would just say to lower the sharpness to 10, because it won't be as op as sharp 20. The sharp 10 would just take a lot more hits to kill someone.
Also maybe add a way for humans to be egg resistant? Or make eggs only usable in the last 30 seconds? Eggs are way too OP >.<