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  • Story Writing Competition

    Discussion in 'Giveaways & Competitions' started by Chain, Jun 19, 2016.

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    1. Wolfie

      Wolfie Boss Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      The front page says "Original Stories"
    2. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      I don't mean to make a big argument, but notice he says he is "Looking for: Original Stories". That doesn't mean it has to be original, it's just one of the things he's looking for.
    3. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      Is this still open?
    4. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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    5. Vashryl

      Vashryl Experienced Member

      Mar 12, 2014
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      Intresting. I'll give it a go.
      (This is something I wrote in the past, so I hope it doesn't matter if I didn't write it after I saw this thread...)

      From afar she would see the smoke rising from the town, with the houses giving off a red glow, as if they were lightsticks on a dark night. She covered ground quickly, hoping that by the time she arrived, it wouldn’t be too late.

      As she entered the town, all she could could see were burning houses and bodies, each one cut with a single mark, each one proving fatal. Seeing this made her feel sick to her stomach, and the desire to turn and run was overwhelming. However, she would not be deterred. Dashing down the previously prosperous streets, stepping round bodies, trying to avoid the pools of blood, she made her way towards the town square.

      She arrived in the square, to a scene that looked like something out of a nightmare. Corpses of the dead, strewn as if a tornado had suddenly ripped through the center of the town, body parts laying meters from their bodies, with blood covering almost every inch, making a sloshing sound like stepping in a puddle whenever you tried to move.

      A man stood in the center of the town, the only one left alive after this massacre, and judging by his blood soaked cloths, the one who caused it.

      She approached slowly, with a vigilant guard, with the only sound she made being the drops of blood caused by her raising her boot, making their way back to the cobblestone foundations.

      The man made no signs of attack, nor any signs of movement whatsoever. As she got closer, she could make his features. His cold expressionless face, and eyes that made it seem as if there was no one ever left in the body, made him seem more dead than alive. His eyes seemed wet, as if he felt like crying but no tears fell. His posture slumped as if he had given up on life altogether.

      She let out a faint gasp as he vanished from view, instantly raising her guard with the staff she carried. If she had been a second later, she would have been dead.

      He appeared in front her, his blade stained red with blood, colliding with her staff at such a speed, that it would seem impossible to see from an outside perspective.

      Metallic ‘clangs’ rang out through the square, as he viciously attacked at lightning speed. Striking from all angles, each blow aimed with the intent to kill. All she could do was defend, and if she had not watched him fight countless times before, her fate was sure to be the same as everyone else that had lived in this town.

      To her horror, her back collided with a stone wall, in her focus to defend herself, she hadn’t realised just how much she had back up, now unable to retreat any further, knowing that is was the end for her, a small smile crept across her face, and instead of trying to get away, in one fluid movement, cast away her staff and launched herself forward, covering the small amount of space the lay between the two combatants. Upon making contact with him, instead of trying to fight him, she simply embraced him, clinging onto him with all her strength.

      “Please come back” she whispered, tears streaming down her face.

      The blade that was swiftly making its way through the air behind her back froze, inches from her flesh. The hand that held it began to quiver.

      Looking up at his face, she could see tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes, and as is a dam had suddenly been broken, water flooding down his face.

      With a ‘clang’ the blade fell to the ground, as his body went limp in her arms, and they both slowly sank to their knees.

      She could hear his words, if only barely through the sobbing “I’m sorry... I’m so sorry” he repeated time after time, burying his face in her shoulder.

      “It’s alright now, I won’t leave you” she replayed, holding her embrace tighter.

      Despite his wishes, the man’s arm moved on its own, drawing the small dagger he kept at his side, and in a swift movement, embedding it in her stomach.

      Her frame went limp soundlessly, as she fell backwards, hitting the ground with a light splash.

      The color of her shirt started changing from the white it was made to be, to a dark red that slowly spread its way across her chest.

      The man leaned over her, horrified, with a look of anguish covering his face, his eyes gushing water, with his whole body shaking.

      She looked up at him with a sad smile, and spoke with a quiet voice “Don’t worry… I’ll always find you”. Before reaching upward to hold him in the last embrace she would ever feel.

      The world went dark for her, as her heart started beating slower and slower, until after a few moments, it fell completely silent.

      She fell without a sound from her embrace, only to be caught by the man before her fragile body would be shattered on the stones the waited below.

      He spent the next few hours with her now lifeless body, hoping that by some miracle she would come back. But fate was not kind, no matter how much he prayed or begged, she was now bound with the eternal slumber, never to once again wake.
      • Like Like x 2
      Last edited: Oct 28, 2016
    6. Gothchick74

      Gothchick74 Active Member

      Oct 15, 2016
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      Nice. :)

      I especially like the fact that she had a pet slime... :P

    7. Vashryl

      Vashryl Experienced Member

      Mar 12, 2014
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      Ahhh crap. I thought I fixed that... ;-;

      I mean, what are you talking about. There are no slimes here
    8. Gothchick74

      Gothchick74 Active Member

      Oct 15, 2016
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      Don't feel bad, everybody has a typo or two sometimes. I just happen to be a professional writer and editor, so I notice stuff like that. And the visual was so Minecrafty...
    9. Vashryl

      Vashryl Experienced Member

      Mar 12, 2014
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      No no, you see, the thing in this case:

      I had this issue in the past when I had someone look at it in the past, so I corrected it...
      Then when posting it here, saw "smile" and went 'crap. I forgot to change it (reading "smile" as "slime"), and switched it ;-;
    10. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Bump. .^.
    11. Tristaan

      Tristaan Active Member

      Dec 20, 2016
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      Once upon a time there was a Minecraft player named John he killed me and I killed him... The End
    12. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
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      Little Jimmy ran into his friend Lana after a test. He asked, "How was the test?" His friend quickly pulls out an egg and says, "it was Eggcellent." Little Jimmy was taken aback. "That's great, but... Where'd you get that egg?" he asked. Lana, ignoring Jimmy's question, pulls out a grape and responds "I had a grape time during that test!" Jimmy, now very confused, asks "wait, do you just carry things around for the sake of puns? Where do you keep all of them?" Lana says "well, you could say carrying them around is a real pain in the arse!"

      Last edited: Dec 20, 2016
    13. Arvedi

      Arvedi Experienced Member

      Oct 30, 2014
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      Jesus Christ people, I'm reading through these stories and the grammar and diction used is horrific. The plots and scopes are interesting but at least make the writing itself pleasing to the eye.
    14. Vashryl

      Vashryl Experienced Member

      Mar 12, 2014
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      Would anyone mind if I put in another entry?

      The end without a start, the start without an end. The path that has no way forward, no way back. the bare walls, the closed ceiling, each step traveling an infinite distance without traveling a single one.

      Contorting and twisting, the walls remain static. Up is down, and down is left. Down is up and up is right. Right is left and both are inwards. No matter where you turn, no matter where you walk, there is nowhere to advance and nowhere to retreat

      The walls fade and and appear, drifting in and out of being and not, the door awaits.

      The door that shouldn't be, and is the only thing that does.

      The door is the start, the door is the end. The door is all that is, was, and will be.

      Constructing and breaking, the door opens.

      The light that offers clemency from the harshness of life.

      She reaches out a hand, and the light reaches back.

      Accepting and rejecting with a cruel mercy, the light engulfs all that is her world, and all that could have been her world.


      The moon was beautiful that night, the stars shining, filling the dark sky with a haven of light.

      She lay on her back, gazing into the alluring asylum that spanned her vision. However her blank eyes noticed nothing, as if staring into an infinite void. Unable to move, she lay there, gazing into the abyss of space. Slowly her eyelids closed, the silver light of the moon illuminating all she could fathom. As they collided, only a vague glow could be seen by her, however that was not long to last.

      A small smile crossed her lips as she exhaled her final breath. The coldness that had engulfed her faded as she fell into the warm embrace sleep, where she would never again wake.
    15. DanDeDonut

      DanDeDonut Experienced Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      Is this still active? @Kolos
    16. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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    17. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
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      Once upon a time, there was a DEA agent called Richard. Richard had an insanely lit April 20th. But, when he went back to work on the 21st, there was a surprise drug test and he got fired. His wife left him the next day. He lived out the rest of his days in misery, forever alone and unemployed. Don't do drugs kids.

      THE END
    18. Vashryl

      Vashryl Experienced Member

      Mar 12, 2014
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      It was a dreary Thursday evening as Richard dredged his way through the half melted snow and gravel to the nearby convenience store. After buying a pack of beer, Richard stopped at a nearby park. The streetlights had long since come on, filling the dark landscape with a dull yellow illumination.
      Laying back on a bench, Richard looked to the sky, slowing sipping at one of the drinks he had just purchased. A tear slowly dripped down his cheek, as he prayed the stars above, that he could turn back time.

      Simply two days prior, Richard had been having the time of his life. Working a dead end job at the DEA, he had been thrilled to have been invited by a couple of old friends out drinking. After arriving at the bar where they had decided on meeting, he took a seat on one of the bar stools, ordered a drink, and waiting for his friends.
      After they arrived, they found a booth and sat drinking and telling stories from the past. Once they had their fill, they got up to leave, but were stopped by David, the rowdiest of the bunch. "Hey... I have an idea that could make this night into the night of our lives". Richard was skeptical, but curious.
      David pulled a small pouch out of his pocket and showed it to the group. Richard instantly recognized it, they were drugs. "I'm not sure this is a good ide-" he started, before being cut off by David. "Nah nah, it's all cool... Common bro, just a taste, what could it hurt?".
      Insisting without end, eventually Richard gave in.
      The rest of the night was just a blur to him, but what he did remember, was that it was one of the most amazing nights of his life.

      Richard woke up with a splitting headache the next morning, and vowed to never do that again.
      After kissing his wife goodbye, he left his house and made his way to work. Richard worked in the offices of the DEA, mostly in cataloging. Because of this, it came as a surprise when the staff were all called for a meeting. Arriving at the meeting, he had flashbacks to the night before, and felt incredibly guilty. To his horror, Frank, his boss, announced that they were having a drug test.
      A few minutes later, Richard stood there stiff, waiting for the results of the test, praying that the drugs from last night had left his system. His hopes were misplaced.
      Richard was fired on the spot.

      It was only lunch time, so Richard made his way back home. Time to search for a new job... However it would prove quite the challenge with this now on his work record.

      Quietly entering his house, Richard noticed an extra pair of shoes by the door, and an extra jacket on the rack. Hoping his imagination was misplaced, Richard snuck to the bedroom, where a rhythmic moaning could be heard through the door. He open the door, and before him lay [CENSORED DUE TO RULES].
      The next morning, his wife, and her belongings, were nowhere to found.

      Richard sat waiting on the couch for hours, hoping that his wife would come back. Once the sun had set, it set in that she wasn't coming home, that she no longer called this place home.
      He stood, put on his shoes, and thought to himself "I need a drink".

      • Like Like x 1
    19. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      Greetings Chain! Great idea and since this is still open I decided to forego my prison duties tonight to make a small contribution to your wonderful cause.

      I realize I am not known to write much or be long winded, so I have decided to keep this short and to the point. I do sincerely apologize for cutting this off at 8 chapters, not developing the plot or the characters that much, and more importantly not embellishing the story line like it probably should get treated.

      I should also give fair warning that I did not go over this like I usually do. If I would go over this my normal three or four times, then I may not be able to submit this until next month. ;) So as it stands, it's a one-pass writing; who knows what kind of typos you may encounter. :) lol

      Nonetheless it is my submission. Please enjoy. I hope you enjoy the perspective and hopefully get the humor, if you can find it. :) Hope it flows well for the brief amount of work I put in to it. :)

      This is an original story that I created tonight, with great inspirations from @DeadQueen234 to base it upon a duckling. :)

      And now, without farther ado... Enjoy...
      Blue (RoyalBlueRanger)

      The Adventures of Waddle - Part 1

      Chapter 1 – The Fall

      Once upon a time, in a distant enchanted land, lived a young duckling that dreamed dreams that little ducklings normally do not dream.

      One evening, as the sun was setting over the lake that Waddle called home, he was caught up in one of his daydreams. His daydream that evening was about going on an adventure of a life time where he was saving other animals from monsters and indescribable creatures and where magic and mysteries were always to be found. He was dreaming about being a hero instead of the newborn duckling that he was.

      Suddenly his heroic dreams came to a sudden end when he fell down a small hole in the ground. Gone, suddenly, was the twilight sun casting reflections of reds, golds, and yellows on the glassy smooth surface of the lake. Gone were the long shadows from the trees, the sugar canes, and the tall grass from around the lake. Gone were the sounds of crickets, the frogs, the birds, and most eerily were the sounds of his brothers and sisters and cousins quacking, waddling, and playing around the lake. Gone was the ground under his feet and gone too was the knowledge of where the ground should be since he was tumbling, as he fell, fell down and down. Gone was Waddle, from the face of the earth.

      Although he was still a very young duckling that has yet to learn about flying, without giving it too much thought, he started to instinctively flap his wing as if his life depended upon them. As he started to take in the sudden cool darkness of the bottomless hole in which he fell, he quickly realized that he actually did need his wings and how he wished he knew how to fly. Little Waddle wished he even knew which way was up and where he was going. A wave of panic started to take him over as he started to realize his world was suddenly gone.


      Waddle was no longer falling. Nor was he breathing. He could not move for what felt like the longest time. He laid in total darkness for what felt like forever. He was in shock, partially from the sudden fall, but also from hitting the ground so hard. His mind was totally blank, until he started to feel his lungs starting to burn for air. He tried to take a breath but could not since the sudden landing knocked the air out of him and he was starting to go in to a full panic thinking he was about to suffocate when finally, he took his first deep breath of the moist cave air.

      Waddle jumped up breathing deeply, quacking, honking, squeaking, and crying out. He was running in to the walls and tripping over unseen rocks. He was in a full panic now. He did not know where he was, he did not even know what was around him. He missed his brothers and sisters, and especially his mother and father. Waddle slowly calmed down and stopped moving so he stopped tripping, stopped bumping, and stopped making noises. Waddle slowly started to cry for the dark did not stop; the dark was all around him. The dark did not stop.

      Waddle was lost. Eventually Waddle cried himself to sleep.

      Chapter 2 – The Bad Dream

      It was now morning and Waddle found himself starting to slowly wake. The anticipation of another day playing with his brothers and sisters and cousins was stirring him awake. His hunger was waking him too, and he looked forward to something yummy to eat. Every morning his mother was showing him, his bothers and his sisters all these wonderful things in the lake and fields that were tasty and yummy morsels to eat. He also was thinking of all the fun adventures he has had over the last few days. So much to wakeup for! Oh he was so very much ready to get up and see what the new day has waiting for him.

      Right as he was about to open his eyes, he remembered that bad dream. First the falling. He clinched his eyes shut hard; he did not even dare to open them as that horrible dream started to creep through his mind. Then he remembered the landing, or at least the end of the fall. Followed by the horrible panic that followed. That scared him the most and he snapped out of his sleep with hopes of finding his mother by his side so she could comfort him.

      He tried to open his eyes, but they did not work. It was still dark. He tried again. Still dark. He was puzzled as to why his eyes were not working. Being a little duckling this did scare him a bit, but it also fascinated him too. He wondered, why is that I can open my eyes, or at least think I’m opening them, but nothing happens? He saw nothing.

      The he started to realize that he heard nothing too.

      Oh how dreadful. He started to realize that there was no bad dream, but instead he did fall. He fell in to the darkness. He fell out of his world. He fell in to this. This. What was this? He did not know. All he knew about this, was that it was dark. Very dark. And in to this, is where he fell, in to the darkness.

      The little lonely and scared duckling was all alone and was about to start crying again.

      But then Waddle started to think.

      And he thought.

      And he thought some more.

      Waddle was no longer scared and he was surely no longer crying. Instead Waddle was now excited, because he realized that instead of daydreaming about going on an adventure, he was on a real adventure!

      Maybe just as well that Waddle was too young to realize how dangerous of a situation that he was in. If an older brother or sister was there to tell him, then, well, um… let’s just say perhaps it was best he did not realize how dangerous his situation was. At least for now, perhaps it was good that little Waddle did not fully comprehend the seriousness of the situation.

      Chapter 3 – Underground and Hungry

      Adventure! I’m going on an adventure today! No wait, I’m one an adventure!

      Waddle was excited. His first real adventure. All his and only his!

      The darkness. He was thinking he had to do something about the darkness since it would do him no good to have an adventure and not be able to see it.

      So he thought. What can he do to fix this darkness? If only there were some light.

      Almost like magic, Waddle noticed that ever so slowly, it was steadily getting ever so slightly brighter. It was still dark, but just not quite so dark. Yeah, he still could not see where he was, but he was sure there was some light. There was none just a few minutes ago. But now when he tried to close his eyes, he could tell when he opened them that there was some light.

      Waddle let out a little quackle (a duckish kind of a laugh) and thought, wow I wished for light and I got light. He quackled a little louder and stronger since he realized at that moment that he just woke up before the sun.

      He was a little duckling, but he knew magic was just make believe. He knew that because his older brothers and sisters were always telling him there is no such thing as magic. Therefore he did not wish the light in to existence.

      And still, the light grew brighter and Waddle’s sense of adventure grew with it. And so did his hunger grow too.

      With the growl of his stomach and finally being able to see dark outlines of shapes around him, Waddle took the first step of his new adventure.

      Chapter 4 – The Hunt for Food

      As the light grew stronger, Waddle realized that he must have fallen in to a large cave system. There were a few cracks way up high, well beyond his reach since he could not yet fly, but there were enough of them to provide enough light to see rough shapes and outlines. Waddle realized that the more he focused on the shapes in front of him, the easier it was to see them. So that is where he focused his attention; in front of him. And that is where he headed. Forward. In search for food for his hungry stomach.

      He was so excited with his adventure, that he did not notice, or really care for that matter, that the cave was winding and twisting itself deeper in to the earth. It was taking Waddle farther, and farther away from his former home and family. Nor did he know that with every turn and every dip, he was becoming more and more lost. Perhaps it was a good thing that he did not realize he could not back track to return to the spot where he fell out of his world since that kind of realization could ruin a perfectly good adventure.

      After waddling for what felt like a very long time, Waddle noticed that light no longer came through cracks in the ceiling of the cave, but instead the light appeared to come from some strange glowing rocks and some slimy gooey stuff that was growing throughout the cave. The cave was taking on a rather magical look and feel.

      Waddle’s stomach was really hungry now. He pecked at the glowing slime to see if it was something yummy. Qa-yuuck! He spits it out. It was not food.

      Oh the horrible flavor of that glowing slime! It was getting worse and he was all out of spit!

      He started to waddle faster. There must be some water. He waddled faster. There must be some food. He waddled even faster. The horrible flavor was getting worse and he was not finding anything to get rid of it.

      Waddle suddenly stopped waddling. He opened his beak as wide as he could. Stuck out his tong as far as it could reach. Then he licked the ground. A few times. It was an awful flavor but it was not as bad as the slime.

      And he was still hungry. More hungry than any other time in his whole life. And Waddle let out a sigh.

      As Waddle was starting to refill his lungs after that deep sigh, he heard something that sounded like laughter. As faint as it was, it sounded like someone was quacking up over something and it was uncontrollable.

      He started to turn his head this way and that to try to figure out where the laughter was coming from. Then he saw something move about 10 feet away from him. The shadow was smaller than him, and all he could think about was that if maybe food. So he ran as fast as he could to grab it, pecking at the ground and any shadow that he thought might possibly be food. Waddle got so worked up on chasing down his food that he was quacking, yelling out “food” and other words and sounds as he kept missing the shadow and kept tripping over rocks.

      Chapter 5 – The Chase

      He thought he saw the shadow dodge and duck, but he was not sure where it was going. But he did not give up and he kept following it the best he could. Not surprisingly, that shadowy figure was no longer laughing. Instead the shadow was yelling for him to stop. Waddle did not stop. What little he could see of the shadowy thing is that it looked like some kind of an insect and he loved to eat bugs.

      “Would you please stop it! I am not food! So please stop chasing me!” said Heather almost in tears.

      Waddle stopped waddling around chasing Heather. “What? Who are you? You look like food, from what little I’ve seen of you.”

      “I’m not food. My name is Heather and I’m actually a princess. One of these days, I may become queen of my kingdom. I’m important down here and the last thing you would want to do is to eat the princess who will become the queen.”

      “Wow a real princess…” said Waddle in a half daze at the idea he was in the presence of royalty. “I’m so sorry your royalness I did not know you were not food.”

      “I’ll forgive you this time,” said Heather, “as long as you promise you will not eat me.”

      “I think I won’t eat you,” said Waddle, thinking carefully. “Show yourself first before I make up my mind for sure.”

      “No. I need you to first promise that you will not eat me.” Heather’s voice started to tremble. “I do not trust you. You look hungry to me. I mean if you’re hungry enough to try to eat the glowing slime and then try to eat the ground, then you may try to eat even a future queen.”

      “Well, maybe I will eat you. What can you offer me in return if I chose not to eat you here and now?” If Waddle had lips instead of a beak, then he would have smiled. He had a plan.

      “You mean give you something to prevent you from eating me?” wimpered Heather, who did not trust this hungry creature. “I have nothing to give you.”

      “You mean to tell me that you will be queen one day and you have nothing now to save your life?”

      “I’m but a young one and I have nothing of my own,” said Heather.

      “Oh so am I” said Waddle. “I’m a duckling and I’m lost and hungry.”

      Heather walked out from the shadows. “I’m a rare kind of a cave spider. Hi. My name is Heather.”

      “My name is Waddle. I never met a rare cave spider before. Matter of fact I’ve never met a regular cave spider before. What makes you rare?”

      “Will you still try to eat me?”

      “No, I cannot, I’ve never had any food that had a name. Everyone who has a name are either my friends or family.” Waddle paused and thought. “I don’t think I’m related to spiders so that means you are not my family so I think that means you must be a friend.”

      “Well,” started Heather, not so trusting of Waddle’s logic, “I guess we could be friends. Assuming you don’t go around eating friends.”

      “I promise. I will not eat you.” Said Waddle as solemnly as he possibly could. Again, if ducks had lips, Waddle would have been smiling because he found his first friend on this new adventure.

      -- --- -- --- --

      Please Note: I found out that a post cannot be longer that 15,000 characters. Continued in next reply.

      Blue (RoyalBlueRanger)
      • Like Like x 1
      Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
    20. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      The Adventures of Waddle - Part 2

      When a duckling takes an unexpected tumble in to a dark cave one evening, it becomes the beginning of a series of adventures that builds a true friendship.

      The story now continues... :)

      Chapter 6 – New Friends

      “I’m glad we are friends,” said Waddle. “But you know, I’m growing hungrier and hungrier. I’ve never been this hungry before and this is just the beginning of my adventure.”

      “You’re on an adventure?” asked Heather.

      Waddle explained to Heather what happened. While he was telling Heather all about this, he started to realize how lost he was and started to cry a little since he missed his family so much.

      Heather said “Waddle, waddle you want to do? Find your family or go on an adventure?”

      Waddle quackled a little over her pun. He thought for a moment. “Both.” He Paused. Thinking. “I want to return to my family, but I want to see what’s out there.” Thinking a little more. “Heather?”

      “Yes?” answered Heather.

      “Would you want to come with me on my adventure? And what makes you so rare?”

      “Yes! I would love to join you on your adventure!”

      “But,” persisted Waddle, “what makes you so rare?”

      Chapter 7 – Heather’s Story

      Well, after a bit of convincing, Heather finally told Waddle about her family.

      Her parents actually started their lives not as spiders, but as villagers. They were the King and Queen of their kingdom and one day an enemy of the land invaded and laid waste to their village and castle. There were hundreds of invaders and one high ranking officer of the invaders happened to be a witch. When the King and Queen were captured, the witch turned them in to spiders. Many of their villagers were killed and mortally wounded so the fact that the King and Queen were not killed was fortunate for them. Perhaps. The witch then took the two spiders, the former King and Queen, and placed them in a glass bottle. The witch placed the bottle in an old bag and gave the bag to a soldier and told him to run in any direction for one week then throw the glass bottle and bag in to the deepest ravine he could find at the end of that week.

      “Wow,” said Waddle. “And that’s how your parents found themselves in this cave?” Waddle was carefully going over all that he heard and asked Heather, “what are villagers? What do villagers do?”

      “I’ve always been a spider, unlike my parents, but they described villagers as having only two legs and things called arms, two of them too.” Heather was dreamily trying to envision what villager looked like. “I’ve never seen one myself, but they have these things on their arms called fingers and the fingers had hands. No wait, I’m always getting them confused. They have hands on their arms and the hands have fingers. Villagers do different things. My parents called them jobs and trades. Some may grow things to eat. Some may build houses, roads, walls, for the village. Some even made magical stuff. That’s what my parents and my family would do; make magical tools, weapons, and armor.”

      “Wow!” was all that Waddle could think to say. “Magic? I thought magic was not real.”

      “It is real. At least for some. My parents worked with magic and made magical items. It was magic that turned them in to spiders. They were attacked and turned in to spiders while they were wearing their magic armor and using their magic items to fight the invaders. They were in their shop when it happened. Something happened to them and with all that magic in that room. As spiders, they both still have magic powers, powers that infused in them from their shop and items, plus some of that evil magic that was from the witch.”

      “Wait… What?” said Waddle, slowly considering the possibilities. “What does that make you?”

      “It makes me magical,” said Heather, in a rather embarrassed and ashamed voice. “I’m my parents first and only child. Spider usually have hundreds of children, if not thousands. That’s one thing that makes me so rare. My parents only have me.”

      “You’re kidding? You can do magic?! You have to show me! Show me! Show me now!” Pestered an overly excited and happy duckling who was suddenly realizing that magic does exist and his new friend was possibly magical.

      “Well, how can I show you? What can I do to prove I have magic powers?” asked Heather.

      Chapter 8 – Food, Finally

      “You can start by making me some food.” Smiled Waddle, or at least if ducks had lips. “I’m beyond hungry and magical food would be a great way to fix that.”

      “Oh ok. I know how to do that. But since you are my friend I will give you the magical powers to summon food on your own. That way you will never go hungry again.” Heather paused and thought about what her parents would say and then added “but my parents would not be happy with me even telling you about our magical powers and they would be simply furious to if they knew I gave you some of that magic to use for yourself. So promise me, never tell anyone you have this new magical power. Never!”

      “I promise!” Waddle repeated with more enthusiasm and glee since he will not only get to do some magic soon, but also eat. “I promise!! No one will ever know I know.” Food was good.

      “Ok” Began Heather hesitantly but with great determination in her voice she proceeded: “Do not move. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and try not to move. You cannot see how I do this, some things must not be revealed.”

      Waddle closed his eyes and held his breath with anticipation. He heard odd noises and heard Heather say some words that he did not understand nor could he hear clearly. He felt this odd sensation overcome him and he felt different in a non-different kind of a way. He smelt something in the air and thought that has got to be what magic smells like.

      There was silence. Then Heather sighed. “You can open your eyes now.”

      As Waddle opened his eyes, he thought he saw Heather trying to hide a slivery wand. Something that almost looked soft and silky, but he was not sure. Waddle still felt hungry. Waddle did not know what to do. He just looked puzzled.

      Heather laughed a little and said, “I guess it would help if I tell you how to use the magic.”

      “Yeah, my stomach would really love that.” Smiled Waddle, if he could.

      Heather said “it easy, you just need to say the magic words and you will be given food.” Now you can get an unlimited amount of food, but you must wait three minutes between saying the magic words or it will not work.”

      “Unlimited food!? Really? Wow….” Waddle was impressed. But still hungry. And he was looking at Heather with rather hungry eyes.

      “Oh yeah… the words. Remember these are powerful magic words so use them carefully and wisely. Magic is magic and if misused can be dangerous…” Heather’s words trailed off as she recalled the horrific magic that was used against her parents.

      “So repeat these words carefully to get food: /kit food”. Said Heather. “Say /kit food and you will get some food.”

      Waddle could not believe it. He was about to use magic.

      “Kid foob” Waddle messed up.

      “No Waddle, you must carefully say it. It’s /kit food. You must pronounce both words clearly including the leading slash. Try it again /kit food.”

      “Kit food.” Failed Waddle. But he was determined and tried extra hard to get that slash pronounced correctly.

      “/kit food!” Boldly and clearly said Waddle.

      It worked! Waddle found he had 5 cooked porkchops in his hot bar!

      “What? 5 Cooked porkchops? Ducks are omnivores but they don’t eat pork. And what’s a hot bar?” Exclaimed an amused and hungry duckling.

      “Oh yeah, sorry,” said Heather. “Please close your eyes once more and hold still”.

      As Waddle was closing his eyes, he saw Heather reaching for that shiny soft wandy thing again. With a few more words and odd things, she told Waddle to try again.

      “/kit food!” said Waddle. Now he got some seeds, nuts, fruit, some bugs, and worms. “Awesome!! Now this is food fit for a king!”

      Waddle gobble down his food and in a few minutes he summoned more food and ate it down. He repeated a few more times beyond what he could shove in his belly because he was not only amazed that he was finally full, but that he was making magic.

      Chapter 9 – The Adventure Continues

      Or does it? That will be up to Chain to decide. :)

      That’s all for now… The continuing adventure will have to wait.

      Hope you enjoyed my story about the little duckling named Waddle… I ‘waddle’ what will happen next? ;)

      Blue (RoyalBlueRanger)
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