Hi. I bought an account on skywars.net before it was transferred to mineverse.com, and now I don't have it. I was told there would be a way for me to get it back. My exact in game name is: Scriptist (Was Ultracrepadarian when I bought it) My purchased rank is/was: I would guess about two years ago. My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is: All servers. Evidence ie: screenshots and/or any helpful information: Evidence of me having the rank: As you can see, this clearly says my name (Ultracrepadarian) on the sidebar, then, when I win, it says in chat "[Skymaster]Ultracrepadarian has won on skywars."
If they do transfer over, it will have to be done through [email protected] with your proof of rank. We can't help here from the forums, but we can point you in the right direction.
You are going to have to be patient. The person in charge of the email support has been without internet for the best part of a month. He will be back to working on this stuff in a couple of days. You can bump your email and hopefully he will get to it as soon as possible.
Emailing Cyp is the only way to get your rank issues fixed. No one else has the ability to help you. I would advise you to email him. He has internet now. I would email him again. [email protected] Best of luck to you. Closing.