Towny was so popular when it first came out. Hasn't even made it past beta and now it's dead... RIP. We should add the server to the compass so more people see it.
That's because the 2 world powers (Triggered and Imperial) fell without notice. Pretty exciting stuff when it did. Now the last world power (Raxscity) remains... not much happened over there so its pretty boring. We're currently in the recession after two game mode empires fell, they should come back after release.
Yeah triggered was at 80 and fell to a inside job. *cough* Anyway, Imperial fell the same way, in a less dramatic unoriginal version of it. I mean, at least Triggered got cobble monstered before they fell, Imperial died just because of the owner leaving and optic destroying the remains. Though, I believe someone said Imperial reached a 130 or something before it dropped so I imagine tons of people rage quit after that.
Yeah It was me, (I'm optic) But if you didn't know, theirs a New Imperial (Growing Fast) With Homb. as the mayor and Me As the Co-Mayor, we are a much friendly, helpful Imperial. If you would like to join, just tell me Via. forums Ans we'll arrange. Everyone is allowed in. :D
Oh its not that you betrayed Imperial. Its that you touched my tower. The tower of the world, the one could call, "Twin tower" of the world and you destroyed it. Not really cause ya know its 200 blocks high and such, but you broke in and attempted to raid it. You also did it before but I forgave you for that one time. Now, you will pay for the consequences that are to come from breaking and entering my tower.
Oh The sign I placed in it? that was me just saying hi, But it was destroyed? That was Perfectionz, she was the one who obliterated the town. She took it a bit to far....
Very well, you have been forgiven for now. Just pass the message along to Perfectionz. Also, I'm kinda lazy so vengeance shall be swift but may take a bit lol.
The new imperial can be better. It sucks IDrop quit, but honestly he got what he deserved. these n00bs who like the old imperial can join the new one (I helped in the raid against it :C )
Idrop was a douche like myself, understandable since there are no rules to Towny except the general rules of the server. He was rather smart in manipulating Triggered the way he did. Although, I kinda did all the work for him in the raid at Triggered.
Pro tip: Fix broken and underpopulated games before you release new ones. Also advertisement like OpPrison with deadlox works very well.