How old are you? I am 11 years old. Your in-game name: My in-game name is rct3dude. What time zone are you in? The time zone I am in is the Pacific Time zone. What Country do you live in? The Country I live in is the United States of America. What languages do you speak? I speak English only. Why do you think you should become a mod? I believe I have what it takes to be a moderator such as: Honesty: Being a moderator you must be honest to gain the trust and the respect of the players and other staff members. In-game and out of game I am an honest person. If I ever lie to a player than was the point of me being a staff member. Honesty is the right way to go when you are a mod. Helpful: New players have tons of questions when they start a new game. Helping players with their questions is something I try to do everyday. As moderator I promise to do my best and help everyone as much as possible. Whenever they need help they can just message me so I can help the out the best I can with their questions. Friendly: In-game I mostly PvP, but when I'm not killing people I'm actually a pretty friendly guy. Being friendly is important when you're a moderator because players are often intimidated by mods. One way to help them not be intimidated is by being friendly and outgoing. The reason being friendly is so that others don't think of you in a bad way. Experience: As a moderator on another server, I am familiar with the commands as well as the rules that players should follow on each game mode. I always keep an eye on the chat to make sure the chat stays clean of advertisers, spammers, foul language and inappropriate comments that are not needed. How long can you be active on the server everyday? I am active at least 4.5 hours a day. How long have you been playing on Mineverse? I've been playing on Mineverse for almost a year. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I am currently not a moderator on any servers at the moment but hopefully I will such as Mineverse.
Your app could benefit from some more detail, especially regarding why you think you sholuld be a mod and past experience. Other than that, good luck.