Cyp lives idekwhere. Idekwhere has 9 characters. Cyp has 3 characters. 9 : 3 = 3. CypriotMerkz has 2 characters with caps. 3 x 2 = 6. Cyp owns a Minecraft Server. Microsoft owns Minecraft. Microsoft rhymes with Ubisoft. Ubisoft makes games. Minecraft is a game. Minecraft haves blocks. Blocks are 3-Dimensional squares. Squares divided by 2 makes Triangles. USA has 3 characters. Microsoft is based in USA. Mineverse too. Ubisoft is based in France. France has 6 characters. 6 + 3 = 9. Mineverse = 9 characters. Moderator = 9 characters. Minecraft = 9 characters Microsoft = 9 characters. Conclusion: Cyp is an illuminati. His Minecraft server was made with help from Microsoft, who is illuminati as well and bought Minecraft 3 years later. They are based in USA to vote for Donald Trump, who is illuminati as well and wants to be president to help them control the world. Microsoft is illuminati because they want to control the world by selling illuminati products. Many moderators resigned because cyp told them about this.