The only way mine verse would actually "die" is if well, minecraft got deleted/hacked, OR people stop buying ranks, so it is far from being dead.
It's fact mineverse has been declining in players. Minecraft in general is not thriving, it's past its golden age.
I would just like to state that one of the largest servers Minecraft has to offer barely reaches the 30k players online that it used to. They've dropped a few thousand player traffic, as well as most other "large" servers. Minecraft PC Edition is losing a lot of players, as you can now get the game on your Mobile/Tablet/Console, etc. The game still has a huge amount of players, but they're all moving away from the PC addition, because well, for the price of a PC that will run the game smoothly will cost a lot more than the new gaming console, that will also run any game that is made for it.
Come on guys, jump on the bus, time for me to bring you to school. Alright, so first off, "Mineverse is alive" is completely true. Mineverse is not dead, yet. According to the numbers, Mineverse has declined in population, heck everyone has. Its because Minecraft was built to entertain the simple minded. When Minecraft changed its idealistic view of how it should work, people left. When Minecraft was no longer easy to play, easy to understand, and entertaining for the 1-12 year mind, people left. Now, during Minecraft's alpha and beta, the general population was under the age of 14 and it because the game was built for that age. Even after its release, Minecraft still had a general population of under 14. Simplicity attracts the younger gamers who don't exactly like complicated RPGs or MMOs. Simplicity also scares away the older generation because they like complicated games such as KOTOR, WoW, HotS, CoD, etc. Minecraft lost quite a few players who knew the game was getting complicated when 1.9 came out. Those who don't like the complicated mess of 1.9 are what remains of Mineverse's population and Minecraft's community. They think complaining for eternity to Microsoft to go back to the olden days will fix the mess its in, sadly Microsoft doesn't work that way. So, why are we not dead yet then? Its because the general population of Mineverse is just waiting for the server to die, or hasn't realized that the game they're playing is going to get worse. EULA enforcement will change Mineverse when its enforced harder. Updates that attract newer players will decrease the population of Mineverse. Eventually players won't want to donate for just supporting the server. Then the server will die. Its not a matter of if Mineverse will die, its matter of when. So, what can we do to stop it? Absolutely, nothing. Its part of the game. People grow up, get less interest in the game and leave the server. Some people have a love for the server, such as Pile and many other mods, but that's about it. Its eventually going to die, so just enjoy it while you can. Maybe the reason why so many haven't left is to preserve the moments they had in the server, or to make some before its gone. Either way, there's no argument to make on whether its dead or not, just enjoy it like I do while its still here.
I'm 12, btw :P Mineverse, at its peak, has around 700 players, I've seen. But on PE it's just 5 pounds for the same game, and PE is easier to use.
Eh, Minecraft itself is pretty "dead". I can't find any commissions anymore like I used to, I've moved on to other things, and I'm sure many others have done the same. My MC hosting company is also declining in clients :( FeelsBadMan
Some say it's not mineverse that's dying but minecraft, look here folks ... minecraft isn't dying just yet, I have no clue where that idea came from that minecraft is dying. Mineverse is yet from dying either but just not as it was way back then, if that makes any sense?
Mineverse is declining in population but isn't dead yet, if we want to increase the population we would have to come up with an inovative new mini game/ game mode that would be good enough to attract people. The problem is that, that is very hard to do due to the already large variety of server types already existing.
I'm not partially blaming lag and glitches but.. I'm partially blaming lag and glitches Yes I know that minecraft is past its peak but how are people meant to enjoy the server when you can barely move? ;(